Here Comes the Bribe

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Book: Here Comes the Bribe by Mary Daheim Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Daheim
    â€œWell . . . I’m not, really, but I’d like to find out if these current guests are dangerous. They are, after all, under my roof.”
    â€œThey paid to be there, right?” Renie retorted. “I suspect they’d just as soon head back wherever they came from.” Shepaused. “It’s a couple of hours before I have to conjure up dinner. Maybe I should pick up something easy at Falstaff’s deli. Okay, I’ll come by in a few minutes.”
    Renie’s comment about where the Schmuck party had come from bothered her. She wondered why they had traveled from L.A. to hold a wedding in her B&B. They were headed for Japan, but Judith didn’t think there were any direct flights to Tokyo from the local airport. She sat down at the computer and entered Rodney Schmuck’s name. A few people came up with that surname, but no Rodney. That, of course, didn’t mean he was using an alias. It only indicated he wasn’t well known or into self-promotion via the Internet.
    She typed in Sophie Kilmore Ormsby . As a surgeon, there should be a listing for her. No luck. She retyped the name, omitting Ormsby . The name appeared, but as a veterinarian over on the other side of the mountains. Maybe there was more than one Dr. Sophie Kilmore. Judith gave it one last shot, entering George Kindred . There were several, with some variations, but no reverends. Deciding her quest was hopeless as well as frustrating, she surrendered. She’d wait to see how Renie reacted to her futile efforts.
    And realized she was indeed sleuthing. It seemed to be a habit she couldn’t break. A bad habit, she told herself. And often a dangerous one. Yes, she’d been lucky over the years. But nobody’s luck lasted forever.

Chapter 6
    J udith conveyed the information—or lack thereof—to her cousin upon her arrival. Renie, in turn, reported that she’d seen the Reverend Kindred being chased off the porch at the rental house between the Ericson and Bhatt properties.
    â€œWho lives there now?” Renie asked. “I don’t think you told me who Herself’s latest renters are.”
    â€œThat’s because I’m not sure,” Judith replied. “They only moved in the first of May. Joe hasn’t been in touch with his ex since then. Whoever they are, they seem like decent people, which is nice, considering some of the jerks Vivian has rented to in the past. Of course, she can’t personally interview potential tenants when she’s holed up with Jim Beam in Florida on the Gulf Coast.”
    â€œUnderstood,” Renie agreed. “Oddly enough, the rev wasn’t coming back here, but heading for the Bhatts on the corner. I don’t think they’re home. The SUV is gone.”
    â€œThey’re probably off with their kids,” Judith said, ignoring her cousin’s wistful look at the cookie jar. “It’s a nice day. In fact, we should be out and doing.”
    â€œDoing what?” Renie asked with a faintly alarmed expression.
    â€œMeeting the new neighbors,” Judith replied, heading down the hall to fetch her jacket. “I think their last name is Clary or Cleary. Something like that. Try to be pleasant, okay?”
    â€œWhy do I always have to assume an uncomfortable demeanor?” Renie moaned. But she followed her cousin outside and across the cul-de-sac. “Gosh,” she murmured to Judith, “I hardly recognize this big open space when it’s not jammed with emergency vehicles. I feel disoriented.”
    Before they reached the curb, a familiar voice called out: “Yoo-hoo! Wait for me!” Arlene Rankers hurried to join the cousins. “I just happened to be standing on my toilet upstairs when I saw you heading to . . . the rental, correct?”
    Judith nodded. “I thought I should introduce myself. And Renie.”
    â€œOf course,” Arlene agreed. “I’ve come over to the

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