Shotgun Groom

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Book: Shotgun Groom by Ruth Ann Nordin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin
to get the
    groom ready, too.”
    As he went to the corner of the parlor to grab the rifle, she
    noticed a rider coming onto their land. Stil holding the door
    open, she hugged Nora closer to her and glanced at her
    brother. “Someone’s coming.”
    He grabbed the gun and hurried over to her. “Who is it?”
    “I don’t know.”
    She carried Nora to the rug by the couch and gave her the
    toy blocks to play with. “Stay put, sweetie,” she whispered.
    She returned to Sep who waited for the stranger at the
    open door. As the rider approached, she tried to get a
    good look at him, but it was hard to do from a distance.
    Glancing at Sep who placed the gun against the coat tree,
    she wondered if this was going to be good or bad. Sep
    looked back at her, his expression as uncertain as she was
    sure hers was. They turned their gazes to the rider who
    stopped in front of the porch and tied his horse’s reins to
    the post.
    The blond man appeared to be in his late twenties or early
    thirties. He bore a striking resemblance to Joel, and that
    worried her. She and Sep might manage to get Joel to a
    preacher if he was alone, but if one of his brothers came to
    get him, then there was no way she and Sep would
    Thankful y, Joel was stil upstairs fixing that hole in the wal .
    Maybe they could deny Joel was even there. It might get
    Joel’s kin to back off long enough for her to get married,
    and then once the vows were exchanged, it didn’t matter
    what his kin did; the marriage would be a done deal.
    “Good morning,” the blond said as he took off his hat. “My
    name is Tom Larson. I’m Joel Larson’s brother, and Doctor
    Adams is concerned that something bad happened to him
    during the storm we had two days ago. Did Joel make it out
    here to check on your child?”
    April swal owed the lump in her throat. This was it. She had
    to lie. Even if it was wrong, she had to do it for the sake of
    her family. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Sep
    spoke up.
    “Yes, he made it, but then he left and we haven’t seen him.”
    April swore her heart stopped beating in the tense moment
    that fol owed. Would Tom believe Sep? Would Tom want to
    come into the house and see if they were lying?
    “Hmm.” Tom glanced at his horse. “Did Joel happen to say
    where he was headed before he left?”
    Sep shrugged. “I assume he’d go back to town, unless
    Doctor Adams sent him to check on another sick person.”
    “Dave checked the route Joel usual y takes to town, and he
    didn’t see him,” Tom said thoughtful y.
    “Dave?” April asked.
    “Our brother,” Tom replied.
    April’s gaze turned to Sep. Another brother. Clearing her
    throat, she asked, “How many brothers do you have?”
    “There are four of us boys al together.” Tom put his hat
    back on his head and smiled. “Wel , thank you.”
    Just as Tom turned to go down the porch steps, Nora ran
    over to the doorway and cried out, “Joe!”
    Shooting a frantic look in Sep’s direction, April let out an
    uneasy laugh and picked Nora up. “No, sweetie, that’s not
    Joel.” She patted Nora’s back and told Tom, “You two look
    a lot alike. If it weren’t for the age difference, I’d swear you
    were the same person.”
    “You’d be surprised by how often we hear that.” Tom
    chuckled and indicated to Nora. “She’s as cute as a button.
    Reminds me of one of my little girls. Have a good day, and
    I’m sorry to have troubled you.”
    As Tom stepped down the porch, Nora stretched her arms
    out. “Joe!”
    April had to restrain her from jumping out of her embrace.
    She had no idea Nora had become so attached to Joel in
    such a short time. He real y did have a way with children!
    Sep was in the process of closing the door when Joel
    cal ed out he was almost done. Sep paused and Tom
    turned back to them. April silently cursed her luck that Nora
    had to yel out for Joel when she did. If she’d waited just a
    few more seconds, they would be in the

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