Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas

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Book: Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
her to part
her legs.
    Her scent filled his nostrils and he needed a taste. He bent
and lapped her pink pussy lips, sucking them into his mouth.
    "Ahh." Her nails dug into his shoulders.
    He loved it. Kissing her mound, he nipped at her, finally
finding her clit and sucking. The base of his spine tightened, radiating
vibrations up his backbone to his brain.
    "No." She breathed. "Can't come yet."
Her body tensed. "I want you inside me."
    Backing off was the hardest thing he'd ever done.
"Anything you want, baby."
    He stood and tugged the front of his shirt, his gaze locked
with hers. The snaps popped open and he slid it off. Unfastening his belt, he
silently thanked the bulls that let him win the huge buckle that brought Gigi
and him together.
    With a grin, he dropped his jeans and boxers, pulled off his
socks, and stepped out of the pile of clothes.
    She lay back on the bed. "What's the smile for?"
    He grabbed a condom and slid it on. "The way we
    She lifted her arms to him.
    He'd never seen anything as beautiful. His chest ached for
this. He lay on top of her, his weight on his elbows. "Like all the forces
of karma coming together."
    Gigi kissed him. "I believe in karma, too." She
reached between their bodies and grasped his cock, guiding it to her wet pussy.
    He had one overwhelming thought as he slid his erection into
her tight slit. This was where he belonged.

Chapter Eight
    Gieselle's mind blanked in and out in odd rhythms as Boone
slid his hot shaft into her core. Her whole belly heated as he filled her, and
her insides shifted to accommodate his length and width.
    When he'd entered fully, she spread her legs farther and he
pushed inside another incredible inch. "Boone." She rolled her head
from side to side as tiny red lights blinked behind her eyelids.
    "Gigi." He pulled out and pulsed back in again,
his hips quivering as he fought for each additional centimeter. "So tight
and hot."
    She cracked open her eyes.
    His eyes were unfocused, his pupils large. Easing out once
more, he locked gazes with her and pumped into her. His eyes rolled back for a
second and his breath panted hot on her face.
    Bells rang in her ears and she slipped further into the
climax that pulled at her. "I'm almost there."
    "Baby, let go. Come for me. I want to see your face
when you hit the top." His hips picked up speed as he rammed into her. He
slurped her nipple into his mouth.
    The lovely jolt from her breast to her pussy tipped her over
and she tucked into a wild spin, traveling through time as alarms shimmered up
and down her spine, tremors gripped her core, and flashes blipped in her brain.
    As she coasted back toward consciousness, the slide of his
cock in her rippling slit drew aftershocks that had her whimpering with
pleasure. Rolling her hips with his thrusts, she opened her eyes.
    His gaze was still on her. "You're incredibly beautiful
when you come." He smiled and kissed her jaw. "But then, you're
beautiful no matter what you're doing."
    She tipped her head, encouraging him to taste her neck.
"Coming for you is my favorite."
    He slid warm, wet lips across her skin. "Coming in you
is mine." He sped his rhythm and his body tensed. "I want you,
    She couldn't get enough of him. She bit his earlobe.
"Show me how much, Boone. Show me what I do to you."
    He lifted his head and kissed her hard and desperate, his
tongue matching the thrusts of his cock.
    Tingles raced through her as a quick-burning orgasm ripped
her out of reality.
    He broke the kiss and shouted as his pumping hips drove into
her, his body tensed and shuddered. His hands gripped her with bruising
    Her own body tingled and shook as she accepted his thrusts,
welcoming his pulsing heat inside her.
    "Best ever…" His dark, heavy-lidded eyes locked
onto hers.
    She cupped his cheeks. "Gets better each time."
    "Might not live through the next one." He pulled
out and collapsed next to her, rolling onto his back and bringing her with him.
    Her hand rested

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