Time Out

Free Time Out by Breanna Hayse Page B

Book: Time Out by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
Tags: Breanna Hayse
bed.” Bryon ordered, pointing. 
    Cassie’s face fell; she could see she had disappointed both of them. “But it’s only four,” she whined.
    “Cassandra, I will take off my belt if I have to tell you again.  Get into your pajamas, brush your teeth, and go straight to bed. Consider this a Time Out.”
    Cassie stared at him.  Being sent to bed without dinner?  Holding back a sob, she ran upstairs, slamming the bedroom door behind her.
    “She’s baaaaaaack.” Rob grinned.
    “Sorry, I was trying to get her moving in the direction you wanted.  I got her talking a bit, but then she put the brakes on.”
    “Give her some more time.  Meanwhile, let her stew.  She’ll be wondering if one of us will be coming up there after the door slamming. Are you hitting the party tonight?”
    “Yep.  Did you spread the word about discretion?”
    “Yeah, Hank said he’ll treat you like a stranger unless you say otherwise. He also wondered when we would bring Miss Cassie with us.”
    “Not until she minds better and can stay comfortably in her role.  All that grown up play made her feel like an adult,” Bryon winked.
    “If you get a chance, ask Hank how he deals with his little girl when she’s too big for her britches.” Rob suggested, pouring a cup of coffee for the two of them.
    “He uses a strap on her.  So far, Miss Cassie had avoided her Daddy’s belt, but I’m thinking we are going to get there soon if the defiance keeps up.  It’s your fault, you know,” Bryon scolded Rob.
    “Mine? What did I do?”
    “Since you put that pretty, shiny thing on her finger, she’s slipped more and more into being a grown up.  She’s going to get confused if we don’t settle her quickly.” Bryon sat down, watching his brother as he sipped his coffee. 
    Rob pondered over his words. “You’re probably right. We should talk with Suz about it, too.  She always knows what to do.”
    “Suzanne is going to be avoiding me for a while because I promised her a serious bun warming for her manipulative little game, remember?  She knows me well enough that I’ll do it, and I’m one of the few people who she isn’t strong enough to fight,” Bryon stated.
    “You don’t think we’re hurting Cass, do you?” Rob sounded concerned.
    “Nah, she’s still discovering herself.  We just can’t allow her to take on too much responsibility yet.  Maybe we should consider putting her into daycare or getting her a nanny while we’re at work.”
    “I don’t know…. I don’t like the idea of anyone other than us disciplining her. I’m afraid she’ll feel like she failed us and go back to that depression.”
    “Yeah… ok. Lemme call Suz.” He rolled his eyes when the answering machine came on, knowing she was screening her calls. “Suzanne? Answer the phone! Rob and I need to talk to you about a little problem.” He used the code words for trouble with Cassie. 
    “Yes?  I was busy,” Suzanne answered snippily.
    “Don’t you go copping an attitude with me too, Missy.  Be pissed at me after I paddle you raw.  We’re having Cassie problems, can you talk?” he asked, putting the phone on speaker.
    “What's wrong? Is she alright?” Suddenly Suzanne’s voice changed to concern.  Sighing, Bryon told her of the events.
    Suzanne was quiet for a while. “Ok, several things.  One, you need to be consistent if you want her to be consistent.  You can’t switch your role back and forth and not expect her to do the same.  Got it?”
    “Yes.” Both men answered.
    “Second, she’s not ready for too many big girl games.  Rob, decide what role you want to be in with her.  If you’re her Dom, then she can be a big girl when you two are alone. If Bry is around, keep the sex to a minimum right now and focus on the training.  Let her know this so she doesn’t get confused.  Your situation is unusual in that she has two Tops and she can never feel there is any conflict regarding your places with her.”

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