The Biker's Touch - Book 2 (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club)

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Book: The Biker's Touch - Book 2 (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) by Regina Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Fox
she said to the assistant. She stepped back around the building. “I’ll send you an email.”
    She thought she was safe being on the side of the building where there were no windows. She was away from the flow of fighting. But she was wrong. She felt a pair of very strong hands on her. She knew it wasn’t good.
    She turned, hoping to see Trenton, but she knew that was not possible. She nearly threw up when she turned to see a biker. A Rigger, glaring down at her. It was the man who had been ejected from the fight.
    His face was ominous. He was bleeding from the lip. And his face was filled with rage.
    “Holy shit,” she cursed.
    “Brill Wayland wants to see you,” he said.
    He wrenched his arms around her and proceeded to carry her. Or attempt to. She kicked and protested every step until he put her down. He raised his hand to her but she held her hand up to halt him.
    “Wait,” she said.
    “You fight me on this, one way or the other, I will make good. I will take you to him. And I will collect my bounty,” he said.
    Jennifer thought fast. She put a flirtatious hand on the biker’s doughy chest. She clicked her tongue against her teeth.
    “Why didn’t you say?” she said in a friendly tone. “First of all, how did you know where to find me?”
    “I spotted you in the bar, but I’ve been trailing you all since New City. I’ve been given your plates and told to watch you,” he answered.
    “Now why would you work for Brill Wayland? You know he doesn’t have a penny. I am the one who holds the purse strings.” she asked.
    She made the biker think. That bought her some time. There was no way to signal Trenton or any of the guys that she was in trouble.
    She continued, “I am afraid if he’s told you anything, he’s bullshitted you. We got a bar full of people in there who have been done the same way. Now what can I do for you?”
    “He promised me five hundred if I brought you to him,” he said.
    “Buddy, I’ll pay you five thousand if you tell me where my children are. And I’ll make you my personal bodyguard. Salary and your own corporate card,” she said.
    “How do I know you’re not bullshitting me?” he asked.
    “Did you just lose your job?” she asked. She had just laid off a bunch of men that Brill had hired.
    “Yes,” he said.
    “Well, I am the broad who did that.”
    She reached into her purse and pulled out a heavy black credit card. She handed it to him.
    “That has no limit. If my ex-husband can do that, I guess I stand corrected,” she said.
    He hesitated. He didn’t quite trust her.
    “Take it,” she said casually. “I have another one. This will prove to you I am good on my word. Give me your hand.”
    The biker was entranced. He did as he was told. She wrote a PIN on his hand.
    “There,” she said. “Go get yourself as much cash as you want. Tell me where my kids are.”
    The biker tucked the card in his vest pocket. “How do I know you won’t call the cops?”
    “For the card?” she asked. “I gave you the card and the PIN. Looks like I don’t have a leg to stand on. I will back you up. Want me to send you a text? I will do that. I just want my children.”
    “Sure,” he said sarcastically, “whatever you say. Give me your phone number. I’ll text you the location.”
    Jennifer was distracted. Trenton, Danny, and Foley had created a human wall just beyond the biker, who looked at the reflection in the bar window and saw them.
    “Sure,” the biker repeated, but in a humble tone. “They’re in a house in Devils Lake. He’s got some young woman taking care of them. She doesn’t have much patience for them, but that’s where they are.”
    Jennifer looked to Trenton for strength.
    “Is the fighting over?” she asked, very glad to see him.
    “Were you here trying to shake this woman down?” Trenton demanded.
    “No, I was sent here to pick her up. I’ve been tailing you all since New City. She offered me a better deal. And I wasn’t going to be

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