think what she did was fun or entertaining who were the dangerous ones. People like Cookie Dixon and the members of C.A.L.M.
    Lucas cleared his throat. His brows nearly touching over the bridge of his nose, his mouth pressed into a grim line, the glare he gave Rolls was hard-edged reproof. He waited until the other man subsided, visually shrinking under Lucas’s stare. “I’m guessing you’ll find a camera either outside over the front door or over there.” Lucas pointed to the sliding glass door that lead out to the small backyard. “He’d want to see her enter.”
    Rolls gave Lucas an assessing look, his florid face bunching up around his eyes. “Uh, huh. And just howd’ya figure that?”
    “It’s what I’d do.”
    “That so. What else wouldya do?”
    “I’d want an eye in every room.”
    Lucas seemed to settle into the roll of expert as he walked Rolls through the living areas, pointing out the best possible vantage point for each camera. Mi wasn’t sure she liked this side of Lucas. It brought him in line with the man who’d invaded her home, her privacy. Mi moved to the door, shivering. She wanted out, away.
    “Ah, damn.” Lucas came to her and rubbed her arms. “Sorry. Do you want wait in the bedroom while we talk?”
    She shook her head. She didn’t want to be in there alone. She just wanted to be far, far away. “No. I’m fine.” She waved him off with false reassurance. “Go ahead.”
    Lucas looked as though he wanted to call a halt to the whole thing and maybe whisk her off until Rolls drew his attention away.
    “What about at night? Wouldya need night vision?”
    Lucas gave her a half smile that didn’t reach his eyes and her arms a gentle squeeze. “We won’t be much longer.” He turned to Rolls. “And motion detection. I’d want ears, too, but then I’m greedy.”
    Lucas really seemed to be in his element. Mi was glad to have him on her side.
    “ That would cost ya.” Rolls draped an arm across his belly and propped his elbow in his hand while he stroked his chin, considering. “There’s a factor to keep in mind. Whoever did this had some bank. Or access to.”
    “I’d be surprised if you found more than basic motion activated cameras. But if you do, would you let me know?”
    “I could do that. I bet you have some stories to tell.” Rolls nudged him with his elbow again. “I was an Army man myself. Got me an in with the force, but then that was before all that Post Traumatic B.S.”
    “Uh, huh.” Lucas’s brow buckled in a deep frown. “An associate of mine is on his way over. He’ll lock up when your guys are finished.”
    “Ah, here’s the tech boys now,” Rolls said, moseying to the screen door to let them in.
    Lucas and Mi waited while Rolls directed his team. When he’d finished, Lucas handed over the letters from Doyle Gann, explaining what the convict’s last letter contained.
    Rolls snorted. “Revolvin’ doors, that’s all prisons are these days. I’ll contact his parole officer.” He waved the plastic bag with the letter. “This’ll get him revoked, I’m sure. Don’t cha worry miss, we’ll get ‘im.”
    She sincerely hoped that was true. “Thank you, Detective.”
    Lucas led Mi out of the house and into the hard baked sunshine. Heat waves shimmered above the pavement and the air closed in around them, like a stifling embrace. A sleek red car pulled up across the street and a tall, lean black man emerged, his eyes covered with mirrored aviator glasses. Mi watched him cross the street with an ambling gate, all loose limbs and confidence.
    “Malcolm, thanks for coming.” The men performed a combination handshake/half-hug greeting. Lucas turned to her. “Mi meet Malcolm Oubre. Malcolm, Miyuki Price-Jones.”
    Malcolm whipped off his glasses, revealing startling turquoise eyes. He bent over Mi’s hand, his deep baritone vibrating her chest. “Miss Price-Jones, a pleasure.”
    Mi couldn’t help it. She blushed, her other hand fluttering over

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