Beyond Galaxy's Edge

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Book: Beyond Galaxy's Edge by Anna Hackett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Hackett
    He moved his fingers up the firm length of her thigh. He brushed over one firm buttock, then through the crease between them. She jerked and then he was slipping farther down and found the plump, wet lips of her sex.
    She went wild. Her hips jerking against the sofa.
    He found her clit, stroked it, circledit. “Is that where you need it?”
    “Yes. Yes .”
    She was so damned beautiful, her skin flushed with desire. But a lump formed in his gut and he mentally cursed Lady Curiosity to hell. This wasn’t how he wanted Nissa. He could be anyone to her right now, nothing more than just a convenient male to help slake the chemically-induced lust.
    “More.” Nissa moved insistently against his hand.
    He sanka finger inside her. Jesus, she was tight and hot and wet.
    An inarticulate sound tore from her throat. She was riding his hand now, her hips moving in a frantic rhythm.
    “That’s it,” he murmured.
    “More.” She reared up, reaching back, her hand clutched his hair. She yanked his head forward and her mouth slammed against his.
    He tried to pull back. Well, he thought about it, at least. Forabout a millisecond. Then he was kissing her back, pulling the honey taste of her into his mouth. His tongue slid into her mouth, mimicking the movement of his hand.
    Then she pulled back. “More, Justyn. Please.”
    She said his name. Her eyes were a little unfocused, lost to the lust, but she knew who was touching her.
    With a groan, he sank another finger into her. She fell forward on the sofa,arching up as he thrust his fingers in and out of her while working her clit with his thumb.
    He felt the tension in her body multiplying. Her movements became wilder, more uncoordinated. He moved his hand faster and let the other one caress her back. He wanted to reach forward and cup her breasts, but he didn’t dare. He was already balancing on a knife’s edge, his cock harder than it had everbeen, weeping into his trousers.
    Nissa stiffened. He felt her inner muscles clamp down on his fingers, and then she was coming. She cried out, her upper body lifting up. He leaned forward, giving her support with his body as the orgasm ripped through her.
    That’s it, sweetheart . Nissa coming was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
    As she slumped forward, her caught her and swung herup into his arms. Her skin was still hot, but that terrible tension he’d felt in her was gone.
    He laid her on the bed. She barely moved, her eyes closed, her breathing steady.
    Justyn made a quick trip to the tiny bathroom attached to her bedroom. He wet a washcloth that he found under the small vanity beside the compact shower and moved back to Nissa’s side.
    Gently, he cleaned between herlegs. She gave a tiny moan, her legs falling apart, and he knew the drug wasn’t yet entirely out of her system. But at least her release might let her relax enough to sleep the rest of it off.
    After he was done, he pulled the sheet over her and brushed a hand over her head. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and breathed in the scent of her, this time mixed with the sweet musk of her release.

    A shudder ran through him. Time to go, Phoenix .
    And take a very long, very cold shower.

Chapter Nine
    Nissa used the airdryer to briskly dry her damp skin. Striding out of her bathroom, she pulled on the clean navy uniform she’d laid on her bed before her shower. At the scrape of the fabric on her skin, a shiver went through her. She paused doing up the fastening on her jacket. Her skin was still sensitive, although nothing like it had been before.
    And between her legs, the achythrob was a reminder of what had occurred right here in her cabin only hours before.
    Thrusting her shoulders back, she glanced at her timepiece.
    She’d slept for five hours and it was time to get back to work. She needed to get back to work.
    Drayna had left numerous messages asking Nissa to contact her, but somebody—and she suspected she knew who—had turned off her

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