Love Me Like A Rock
begging. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”
    It was a powerful drug, lying there stretched out under the hungry eyes of someone who wanted him so hard.
    “Did it feel like this when I was watching you?”
    “When I was drawing you and you were staring at me and I noticed?”
    “It always feels like this when you see me.”
    For a minute, Austin felt bad, because he’d looked at Sean so many times, apparently, without ever really seeing him. But then Sean’s hands moved lower, pushing Austin’s legs apart, and the looking got too intense to let him keep any other thoughts in his head except desperation for Sean’s touch.
    “Please please please…” The stream of words pouring from his mouth should have been embarrassing. Begging carried with it a vulnerability he didn’t usually allow himself if he wasn’t sure of the man in his bed.
    But somehow there were no doubts with Sean. And begging was easy and playful, because he knew nothing was going to be withheld and every sound he made was as much of a turn-on for Sean as it had been for Austin with his mouth on Sean’s cock.
    The memory of that hard length pressing deep was enough to shoot his hips up, heels digging into the plush sleeping bag. A cry ripped out of him as Sean’s mouth sucked him in at last, wet heat blazing from his crown to his balls in one deep swallow that made Austin see the stars he knew spilled across the midnight-black sky.

Chapter Six
    “Oh my God, my clothes all smell like bacon. I forgot about that part.”
    “What?” Sean’s sleepy voice rose from where his head was buried in his sleeping bag.
    “I forgot that sitting by a campfire for a couple of hours was going to make my clothes smell like bacon.” He’d gotten up at what looked like the asscrack of dawn because he had to piss.
    Sean snorted. “They don’t smell like bacon.”
    “They totally do. I’m going to have to buy all new stuff.” He stuffed his face in the fleece jacket he’d worn the night before and smelled it again. Yup. Bacon.
    “Or you could try, you know, just washing it,” Sean said as he sat up and stretched until his hands brushed the tent ceiling.
    God, Austin really liked looking at naked Sean.
    He dragged his attention back to the smoked-meat reek of his clothes. “I’m going to smell bacon every time I look at this jacket.”
    Sean snagged his wrist and tugged Austin closer. “I fail to see how that is a problem, actually.”
    “Bacon is for eating, not wearing.”
    “Says you,” Sean growled into Austin’s neck, biting at the skin there with sharp teeth until Austin shuddered.
    Maybe he did want to wear bacon after all.
    * * * * *
    “Coffee on the fire.” One of the other geology guys lifted his chin toward the crackling wood in the wobbly ring of rocks they’d built last night. If he’d been awake by the time Sean had let Austin come, he either didn’t feel the need to comment on it or didn’t care, which was fine and dandy as far as Austin was concerned.
    He had a bit more on his mind at the moment than post-coital public embarrassment. His early morning piss in the woods had been quite the wake-up call.
    Especially when Sean had offered him what Austin was calling the poop digger in his head.
    “Cool, thanks,” Austin said in response to the coffee offer, but made no move to grab some, despite the smell twisting across the campsite and luring him in like cartoon magic potion smoke.
    Sean slung an arm across Austin’s shoulder and the temptation to lean into him was irresistible.
    “I made Chris bring the good stuff for you,” Sean said into his ear.
    Which was sweet as hell, and Austin felt like a wretch for not immediately racing to the campfire where there was undoubtedly some primitive kind of coffee pot sitting over an open flame.
    He shook his head no, remembering the problem. “I can’t.”
    “You can’t what?”
    “I can’t drink coffee here.”
    “What? Why not?” Sean pulled away far enough to

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