The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty

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Authors: Ilan Pappé
Y. K. Khoury (eds), The Missionary Herlad – Reports from Ottoman Syria, 1819-1870 , Washington 1991.
    Al-Ahram (Cairo).
    Bait al-Muqadas (Jerusalem).
    Davar (Tel-Aviv).
    Doar Hayom (Jerusalem).
    Filastin (Jaffa).
    Al-Jamma’ (Jerusalem).
    Hadashot Ha-Erev (Tel-Aviv).
    Al-Hilal (Cairo).
    Al-Karmil (Haifa).
    Al-Manar (Cairo).
    Mirat al-Sharq (Jerusalem).
    Al-Muqtataf al-Mufida (Gaza).
    M. al-Abadi, Foreigners on Our Land , Amman 1947 (Arabic).
    H. A. Abd al-Latif, The Jerusalemite Biographies in the 12 th Hijjra Century , no date (Arabic).
    A. al-Asali, Jerusalem in the Arab and Muslim Travelogues , Amman 1992 (Arabic).
    G. Belzoni, Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries in Egypt , London 1882.
    D. Ben-Gurion, At War , Volume 4, part 1, Tel-Aviv 1949 (Hebrew).
    K. al-Budeiri, Sixty Years in the National Palestinian Movement , Beirut 1974 (Arabic).
    T. Canan, ‘Two Documents on the Surrender of Jerusalem’, Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society , 10 (1930), pp. 27–30.
    F. A. Chateaubriand, Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem , Paris 1811.
    W. Churchill, The Second World War , Volume 3, Boston 1952.
    C. R. Conder, Palestine , London 1891.
    J. Crane, Letters from the East , New York 1996.
    R. Curzon, Visits to Monasteries in the Levant , London 1851.
    M. I. Darwazza, Memories and Notes – One Hundred Palestinian Years , Damascus 1986 (Arabic).
    A. Droyanov (ed.), Letters on the History of the Love of Zion and the Settlement of the Palestine , Odessa 1919 (Hebrew).
    J. Finn, Stirring Times or Records from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles , London 1878.
    G. Frumkin, The Way of A Judge in Jerusalem , Jerusalem 1946 (Hebrew).
    E. al-Ghori, Palestine During Sixty Years , Beirut 1973 (Arabic).
    Z. Gorgi (Jurji), The Famous Personalities of the East in the 19 th Century , Cairo, no date, vol. 2, p. 52 (Arabic).
    H. Hamburger, Three Worlds , Jerusalem 1946 (Hebrew).
    M. al-Hanabli, The Magnificent Man , Cairo, no date (Arabic).
    A. Haymson, The British Consulate in Palestine , London 1940.
    R. Hichens, The Holy Land , London 1910.
    A. al-Husayni, Diwan Shi’r , Anthology of Poems: a manuscript in al-Aqsa without a date (Arabic).
    I. M. al-Husayni, Abd al-Latif al-Husayni’s Treasure , Jerusalem 1985.
    I. M. al-Husayni, The Husayni Family , Jerusalem 1988 (Arabic).
    I. M. al-Husayni, I Learned from the People , Jerusalem 1968 (Arabic).
    G. al-Jabarti, The Wonders of Biographies and Chronicles , Cairo 1879 (Arabic).
    P. H. Kisch, A Palestine Diary , Jerusalem 1939.
    A. al-Kurdi (ed.), Ismail al-Nabulsi; Fiction and Reality in a Trip to the al-Sham Countries and Hejaz , Cairo 1986 (Arabic).
    D. Lloyd George, The Truth About the Peace Treaties , London 1938.
    W. P. Lyntch, A Journey to the Dead Sea and the Jordan River , New York 1984.
    A. S. Macalister and E. W. G. Masterman, ‘Occasional Papers on the Modern Inhabitants of Palestine’, The Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly , (1906).
    R. Memimel, The Remedy of my People , Berlin 1883 (Hebrew).
    M. al-Muhibi, A Summary of the Notables’ Lives in the 11 th Hijjra Century , vol. 2, Cairo, 1868 (Arabic).
    M. K. Al-Muradi, A Guide to the Notables of the 12 th Hijjra Century , Istanbul 1882 (Arabic).
    N. al-Nashashibi, The Last Giant Came from Jerusalem – The Story of the Palestinian Leader Nasr al-Din al-Nashashibi , Jerusalem 1986.
    A. Paton, History of the Egyptian Revolution , London 1870.
    B. Qatinka, From Then to Now , Jerusalem 1961 (Hebrew).
    M. A. al-Qayatli, The Flavours of al-Sham in the Al-Sham Travelogues , Beirut 1981 (Arabic).
    M. A. Rogers, Daily Life in Palestine , London 1984.
    A. Rupin, My Life , Tel-Aviv 1968 (Hebrew).
    H. al-Sakakini, Jerusalem and I – A Personal Record , Amman 1990 (Arabic).
    H. al-Sakakini, This is, Oh World , Jerusalem 1990, Diary entry: 12 November 1908 (Arabic).
    Y. Schwartz, The Harvest of the Land , London 1845 (Hebrew)
    A. al-Shuqairi, Forty Years in the Arab and

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