Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

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Book: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
dose Max with everything.
    Yeah I’m jealous. When I had a healthy appetite I only had to look at something and I’d put ten stone on.
    “Well, yeah. I’ve not eaten since we began the movie,’’ he shrugs, watching as I put Hope back down in her cot.
    “Whatever,’’ I mutter under my breath as I follow him back down the stairs.
    **** **** ****
    After tricking Max into watching a horror movie, we finally call it a night. Hope has been waking up every so often, screaming. A part of me thinks she knows something’s going on: that her mom is upset. It has to be, right? Because even Max said she’s not normally like this. The storm brewing outside comes to mind too because the wind howling and branches hitting the windows is pretty scary.
    Speaking of scary, the door to the bedroom Joan said I could sleep in creaks open and in a moment of panic my heart stops. That is until I hear his voice whisper across the room, my body relaxing somewhat. But then it tenses for another reason entirely. Why is he walking into the room this late?
    “Lake,’’ he whisper yells, and I choose to ignore him. I don’t know if I’ll be strong enough to turn him down if he starts something with me. Every time he’s around me I turn to mush or he opens his mouth and I want to strangle him.
    I’m facing the other way so he can’t see my face but, still, I shut my eyes tightly. He steps into the room, his feet moving closer towards the bed.
    “Lake?’’ he calls a little louder but then silence fills the room.
    Just when I think he’s given up, his hand touches my shoulder and he violently shakes me. If I wasn’t already awake he’d have a black eye and sore nuts for a week right now. Doesn’t he know not to sneak up on girls when they’re sleeping?
    I’ve always had to be on guard, even in my sleep. Once, while staying at a refuge, someone tried to pinch the money that was tucked into my bra. It didn’t turn out so well. They had scared me awake, frightening the life out of me, and my instincts had me attacking first. Ever since that night I’ve been worse. I’ve become a light sleeper and a part of me misses the deep sleeper I used to be. A full goodnight’s sleep is something I really bloody miss.
    “Jesus fucking Christ, Max. What are you trying to do? Give me a fucking heart attack?’’
    “I thought I saw a spider on you,’’ he tells me. I feel him shifting on the bed, getting himself comfortable, which just gets my back up.
    “So, you snuck into the bedroom to watch me sleep and you were paying that much attention you happened to see a spider? In the dark? You do realise spiders are black, right?’’ I snap, turning to look at him.
    “Look, I keep hearing noises and it’s freaking me out,’’ he tells me honestly, scrubbing a hand down his face.
    Seeing he’s deadly serious, I roll over into my pillow and burst into laughter. Oh, my God, I thought he was exaggerating over the movie. He doesn’t seem like the kind to be scared of a little blood and gore. I laugh even harder when I think back on the time I shouted at him for touching my leg in a tight grip. I thought he was copping a feel, but it turns out he was telling the truth and that the movie made him jump.
    “Stop laughing,’’ he groans, shoving my shoulder.
    I turn sideways to look at him, not able to hold back my laughter. “I’m sorry,’’ I laugh. “But, you’re you...and you’re scared... of dolls,’’ I cry harder, laughing.
    “There’s no need to be fucking mean. I’m never going to look at Hope the same. One of them looked a little like her, didn’t you see?’’
    “No,’’ I choke out laughing, my ribs and stomach hurting.
    “Oh, come on, the one could turn its head all the way around. It was fucking scary, Lake. I’m glad Granddad let us chuck the porcelain dolls out that my nan used to collect,’’ he curses right before I hear the bed shake from his shudder.
    “It’s a

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