The Rogue's Princess

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Book: The Rogue's Princess by Eve Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Edwards
flamboyant doublet of green and yellow, trimmed with silver bonework. Tobias always admired his older brother’s flare for fashion; he must spend most of his earnings on his wardrobe to afford such fine stuff, skimming a fraction of an inch belowbreaking the sumptuary laws that dictated what each class could wear. Nicely judged indeed.
    ‘What brings you to disturb my peace, brother mine?’ asked Kit through a mouthful of bread.
    ‘’Swounds. I just wondered how you were – thought it time to call on the more interesting part of the family. Will and Ellie are expecting another happy event; Jamie is insufferably single-minded now Jane too is increasing; where else can I go where the talk is not all of babies and female stuff?’
    ‘So you came to me for some good sound man-to-man talk, did you? It was nothing to do with the horse race you lost?’
    ‘I did not lose!’ Tobias said indignantly. ’Sblood, his plot had been discovered. ‘I won by a nose, but Kingsthorp reneged on our deal and left me in debt to the stables for the hire of the horse.’
    ‘It’s only a small sum.’
    ‘But … ?’
    ‘But Will told me in no uncertain terms that there was no more money until Lady Day. His cargo from the Indies has still not landed and he’s up to his own ears in debt as usual.’
    ‘What about Jamie? Rich wife now: his money problems must be a thing of the past.’
    Tobias snorted. ‘He would only laugh and tell me I had made my own bed and should learn the lesson by lying in it. Besides, he has this strange notion that he shouldn’t pillage his wife’s estate to bail out his impecunious brother – his words, not mine. He says he’s waiting until there’s something worth spending money on for me – like a position at court.’
    Kit picked up a bundle of black clothes and tucked themunder his arm. ‘Gods, you have me feeling sorry for you. Come your ways then: if you’re dodging the bailiff after your debt you’d best stick with me like a preacher to his Bible. With my wise words, I’ll guide you out of mischief.’
    Tobias brushed the crumbs off his rumpled clothes. ‘Excellent. I was hoping you’d let me watch the master at work. What is it today?’
    ‘We’re doing The Merchant’s Daughter again.’
    ‘What? That old chestnut?’
    ‘Don’t slight the play – I have very fond memories of that one. I had my first role in it as a boy – Clarinda, the daughter.’
    ‘Oh, aye, that’s a good part. So now you’re to be her lover, honest Tom Cobbler, who is in fact,’ here Tobias did an ironic roll of the drum on the table top, ‘Thomas Knightly, the baron’s son! Audience gasp and swoon at the happy chance, cue for the jig.’
    ‘Aye, that’s me.’
    ‘Do we get to dance?’
    Kit grabbed his plumed cap. ‘We always dance, as well you know. No play, not even the bloodiest tragedy, would be complete without a merry jig to send all away in good spirits.’
    ‘True. Anything to please the crowd.’
    An amusing day in prospect, Tobias took up an extra chunk of bread to eat on the way and followed his famous brother to the Theatre.
    The cast stopped rehearsing shortly after midday to eat a quick dinner at the local tavern. Kit made sure to call into the stables to greet John Ostler, his old friend from the trough incident, and introduce him to his newest hanger-on.
    ‘John, here’s my lack-wit brother, Tobias Lacey.’
    John sized up the young nobleman and decided a tug on the cap would suffice as a welcome.
    ‘Do you have time for a play today, John?’ Kit brandished a complimentary ticket endorsed by Burbage.
    John scratched his head then hitched up his sagging hose, retying the points. ‘Nay, lad, not today. Party of young gentlemen come to see the play want to stable their horses here. That there Tom Saxon of yours invited them, they said.’
    ‘Shame. Any chance tomorrow?’
    John brightened. ‘What’s it to be?’
    ‘ The Knights of Malta again.’
    ‘Well, that’s

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