Sinister Entity

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Book: Sinister Entity by Hunter Shea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hunter Shea
Tags: Horror
Jessica closed her eyes and tilted her face to the sun. When Eve was finished, she placed her coffee mug atop the papers and folded her hands on the table.  
    “From what you said he told you, everything in there checks out. He is the great-grandson of D.D. Home, he did attend Duke University and he was at the Rhine Research Center over the past year. There’s nothing specific about his abilities, but there’s plenty mentioned about the other men in his family line. His parents are divorced and he currently lives in the Bronx. No criminal record, got all A’s and B’s in school, has no outstanding debt and volunteered at an animal shelter for three years, starting when he was fifteen. He sounds like the all-American boy. Being a New Yorker, that makes me suspicious. That and the fact that he found you after all of the pains we took to keep you anonymous.”
    With a frown that brought out worry lines on her forehead, Jessica asked, “Does he have any money?”
    Eve scanned through a few pages. “Not really, no.”
    Guys looking to get close to her because of her money was always a concern. Eve made sure they lived normal lives and they never, ever mentioned to anyone that they had a net worth of over twenty million dollars. Jessica’s father had felt money like that would only bring out the vultures, which it did when he first won the lottery. He had vowed to keep things simple, and Eve followed suit after his death.  
    But the lottery win was not a private thing, especially since it was coupled with the death of her mother on the same day. There were articles about it in all the local papers, articles that someone could easily come by on an Internet search or in the library. Because of that, Jessica and Eve had to be vigilant at all times when new people tried to enter their lives. Jessica often wondered if distrust was the reason Eve remained single, even though she would have made a good man exceedingly happy.  
    Jessica said, “Well, at least he has no debt, so he won’t hit me up for a loan any time soon.” She smiled. “So, what do you say?”
    Eve thought things over for a bit, patting the report. “When you look at the hard facts, I’d have to say yes. I guess it can’t hurt to see if he’s the real deal. Maybe he can help you. If he was at the Rhine Research Center for a year, he must either have some strange ability or at least a good working knowledge of the stuff you investigate. In an odd way, I’d feel better if you had a partner. Safety in numbers. Plus, there are these little things I call trust and faith, which I have in abundance when it comes to you.  
    “Although, I am curious about what he could have said to you to make you go through all this trouble. He didn’t threaten you, did he?”
    Eve’s eyes took on the hardened edge of a warrior. One of her hands balled into a fist. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to protect Jessica and Liam. They were all survivors, and survivors knew how to look out for each other. God help the man, woman or beast who came between them with less than good intentions.  
    It was never spoken aloud, but Jessica suspected that Eve had been in love with her father. Losing him seemed to drain all hope of ever bonding with another man. Jessica was the last tie to her dad, and Eve was the only mother she had ever known. She sometimes wondered if there was another pair bound as close to one another as they were.  
    Jessica got up and kissed her on the cheek. “If he did, we’d be looking at pictures of him surrounded by a chalk outline. Thank you for loving me. I guess it can’t hurt to give him a shot. I have the perfect case to test him on.”
    “The McCammons?”
    Jessica nodded. “That place has been a thorn in my side for two months now. Maybe Mr. Eddie Home can pull it out.”
    Eddie nearly hit the ceiling when Jessica called him back, a week and a half later than she had said she would. He had resolved himself to defeat and was thinking

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