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Book: 1416940146(FY) by Cameron Dokey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameron Dokey
bedroom I had begun to shake. I could not stop, no matter how I tried. But I knew that now was not the time to burden my father with my own fears, so all I said was:
    "It shall be as you wish, Papa."
    At this, he sighed and took my face between his hands.
    "Someday," he whispered. "Someday it shall be as we both might wish, Aurore. Though not, I fear, for many years yet. Until then, I pray you, remember the words your godmother spoke on the day you were christened: Keep what you hold in your heart safe and strong."
    Then he turned and left me, hurrying on to the rooms he shared with Maman. No sooner had he departed than Nurse swooped down upon me, fussing and scolding over the state of my hair and clothes. Not that she wasn't prepared, of course. The water for my bath was already steaming, the great copper tub set before the fire. I was clean in next to no time.
    But, no matter what I did, how many times hot water was added, how many minutes I stood before the fire to dry, I could not get warm. For my father's words and my own fears were like two cold fists clenched around my heart.
    The catastrophes had returned, and this time they came from within, not from without. Bad as what we had already endured had been, I knew the worst was yet to come.

Chapter 8
    "We greatly regret that circumstances compel us to intrude upon you at this most difficult time, Majesties," purred le Comte de Renard.
    He bowed low, then straightened, his glance somehow managing to linger on Maman and slide over me entirely. This, though she and I were sitting in my father's private audience chamber, side by side on the same straight-backed sofa. A piece of furniture I was usually careful to avoid because it was so incredibly uncomfortable. That night, however, anything I might do to demonstrate the strength and straightness of my spine had definitely seemed to be in order.


    Le Renard had been clever to address Maman, I had to admit.
    She was well known to appreciate flowery words in matters of protocol. I doubted she would be swayed by them tonight, but the Fox was apparently taking no chances. He has used his hour to regroup, I thought.
    "But when, in great agitation, the royal soothsayer came to me with what he had learned, I thought it best to bring the matter before you without delay," he went on, switching his attention to Papa who stood just beside us. "In this ..."
    "You are all agreed," my father broke in.'l know."
    At this, le Renard bowed again, though I could see an angry red blush begin to creep along his cheekbones. Don't antagonize him, Papa, I thought. A cornered animal is almost as dangerous as a wounded one. Did you not teach me this yourself?
    At that moment, I caught a strange, intent expression on Oswalds face out of the corner of my eye. He was standing to one side of the room, before the fireplace, a location that put him almost precisely halfway between the groups comprised of our immediate family, and that of le Comte de Renard and his allies.
    A position I couldn't help but notice was ambiguous at best.
    Though we had never spoken of it again, I was certain neither of us had forgotten what had passed between us the night of my birthday party. I had not forgotten the words of Marguerite de Renard. Was he already in league with the Fox? Did that explain his absence from the fields today?
    "Duty and honor," he had said on the night of my party.
    Could he speak so and then betray us?
    No, I thought. Please, not Oswald.
    But when I followed the line of Oswalds eyes I discovered a curious thing. It was not le Renard he studied so intently. It was the men who stood behind him.
    Select those you trust the most, my father had commanded. Apparently, they were five in number. Between them, they represented some of the most powerful families in all the land. At the very back stood the royal soothsayer, looking as if he'd rather be somewhere else. And suddenly, as if Oswald's attention had shown me the way, I saw what it was that Papa

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