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Book: Kozav by Celia Kyle, Erin Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Kyle, Erin Tate
laughing at her behind that kind face. “Now. However Primary Warrior Kozav has been notified—”
    “That my mate cannot even follow the simplest of my orders.” She’d been so intent on the healer that she hadn’t heard medical’s doors open. But they were open now and Kozav stomped through them, not slowing until he reached her side. His features were settled into a furious frown, anger burning in his teal eyes. “You were told to wait for me. That I would escort you to your dam once my task was complete.”
    “And I didn’t.”
    He narrowed his eyes. “Which caused you to come to harm. This is unacceptable. You will follow the orders given to you. I cannot have you disregarding my instructions. I do not have time to worry over you every moment of the day. I have warriors to lead.”
    Grace jerked back. “I will follow…” she sputtered. “Instructions…” Okay, one part of her wanted to give him some allowances. She’d probably scared him and she admitted leaving the rooms without an escort was kind of a dick move. Alright, it was a dick move. But the whole ordering, instruction, demanding thing wasn’t going to fly. “I made a mistake, yes.” See? She could be accommodating. “But if you think I’m going to just roll over and let you walk all over me, you’ve—”
    “You are my mate!” His voice bounced off the metal walls and she glared at him.
    “Lower your voice. If you wake up my mother, I will… do something really bad.” Lame, but she’d consult the Knowing later for an appropriate threat.
    “Perhaps it is best if she is awake and hears of your behavior. If she knows her young is no more than a mindless katoth who wanders off—”
    Grace bristled. She wasn’t a mindless cow. “Did you just call me—”
    “—and puts herself in danger.” His glare still remained, his face bright red with his anger. “I will have to order one of my warriors to act as a minder for you if you cannot stay where you are put.”
    “Are you saying I need a babysitter? That I can’t safely walk among the mighty Preor warriors who are supposed to value women and dragonlets above all else? Great guys you got here.” She hoped he didn’t miss the sarcasm.
    Kozav’s shoulders expanded, teal scales rippling over his tanned skin, and she realized she might have pushed a hint too far. He took a deep breath and released it slowly, repeating the action before speaking once more. At least his face wasn’t as red as a tomato anymore. “And your humans are any better? Men who vowed to care for others and were prepared to let my warriors die?”
    “I never said they were better. Hell, Richards is an ass and shouldn’t even be called a doctor, but I don’t go around telling everyone that he’s God’s gift to the medical profession. Even the Knowing is a cocky ass when it comes to how cherished females are.” Grace pointed at her cheek, heat from the large bruise emanating from the area, and she twirled her finger. “This is a weird way of cherishing. Just saying.”
    Kozav’s growl rumbled through the room once more, continuing on and on until she wondered if he’d go full dragon right in front of her. That… would not be a good thing. Not when she was pretty sure a full-grown Preor would more than fill the space, crushing everyone in the room.
    Grace tucked away her anger, knowing she could deal with it later. “Kozav.” His growl lessened, but the furious expression remained in place. “I will admit that it would have been best if I’d waited for you. However, the Knowing provided me with directions to medical,” —while also helping her avoid as many Preor as possible since she knew she was sorta in the wrong— “So I wouldn’t have gotten lost. As for Impe, no one could have predicted he’d react the way he did.”
    “Impe?” Barely banked violence filled the single word. “Impe sen Viz’on? The male who is supposed to be confined?”
    At least his anger moved away from her.

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