Playing the Perfect Boyfriend (Gone Hollywood)
me, or party planning. What’s going on with you? Because the kind of panic that would drive you to Brentwood on the chance I was here and available can’t be good.”
    “I think I made a huge mistake.”
    “Well, I’m going to feed the baby while you tell me all about it. And make sure you’re eating something, too, otherwise I’m likely to finish all this on my own.” She scooped up a healthy serving of rice then smothered it in beef, leeks, and sauce.
    Jade didn’t waste time and dove right into the details of being caught by Isak and the subsequent plan to make him believe she was, indeed, ready to settle down. “And this morning, Isak called. He wants to get together with Dean and me this weekend.”
    “First, I can’t believe you’re fucking a twenty-four-year-old.”
    “Funny. My best friend is only twenty-six, but I guess age differences in friendship are allowed?” Was Vicky seriously judging her right now? Over that ?
    “Sex is different. If you were a new teacher, he could be your student.”
    “No he couldn’t, because he’s twenty-four . He’s legal and has been for several years. Can we deal with the bigger issues?” Jade rubbed her forehead then pushed her drink aside. A headache was building, and the last thing she needed on top of that was a buzz, no matter how mild it would be.
    “Fine.” But from the sound of Vicky’s voice it was anything but fine. “Here’s the deal, if you want to be with Isak, you’re right that you need to get him to see you as girlfriend material again, and I’m not sure how you’re supposed to pull that off while pretending to be with Dean.”
    Jade stabbed a piece of meat and shifted it around on her plate. “I’m not, either, though when he caught us, I didn’t have much time to come up with a better plan. I thought I had it all figured out. I’d make sure Dean and I were seen out together and that we’d make it obvious it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Then we’d break up spectacularly, and I could run to Isak.”
    “Okay. I suppose I can see him being the guy who would go for that. He has a bit of the white knight about him. So what’s the problem?”
    “The problem is the media isn’t following the plan.” She and Dean had been seen out plenty. Jade had been on the receiving end of more camera flashes the past few days than she had been her entire life. Yet, somehow, the images that surfaced didn’t make them look like a couple on the verge of imploding. “Everything that’s coming out, every picture, every story, is about how happy we act when we’re out and how this could be another Tinsel Town Cinderella romance. My life has become the world’s most ridiculous rom-com, and I don’t know how to get back on track.”
    Of course, that might have something to do with how much she enjoyed being around Dean, but she needed their public appearances to start following the damn program.
    “Didn’t you have the fairy tale romance thing with Isak the first time around, too? Why would this be different?”
    Because she was an idiot? Because things never went according to plan? Her last name should have been fucking Murphy. “Isak never did the club scene. He doesn’t do premieres unless he has to. I think we were seen together in public once, coming out of the fucking grocery store. Isak’s a homebody, so when we were with each other, it was takeout, Netflix, and sex.”
    Silence fell on the table, and Jade stuffed the speared chunk of meat into her mouth, chewing and tasting nothing. Vicky set her fork down and steepled her fingers. “Speaking of that, but with regard to dear Dean, how’s the sex?”
    “What?” Jade said, another bite poised in front of her lips. How did they jump from public sightings to this? “The sex is amazing. Like mind-blowing amazing.” She moved the fork toward her mouth and stopped again. “Why did you ask?”
    “Because, bestie, sex is near the tip-top of your list of favorite things. If your

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