and I was surprised to feel a pang of regret. Of everyone at this table, he was the one man whose conversation and company I enjoyed.
Cheval took the seat to my left, and smiled at me. I offered a polite smile back. With his square jaw and pale-blue eyes, he was a good-looking man, but I always felt uncomfortable in his presence. His eyes were cold, and his face portrayed little expression, whatever his topic of conversation – which was usually himself. I never knew what he was thinking, but couldn’t shake the impression that it was often contrary to what he was saying. I picked up my knife to spread butter on bread.
‘Mevrouw van Ecken.’ I looked up at Sharpe. ‘Forgive me, I was unable to introduce my companion to you beforehand.’ I smiled at him and the woman. ‘This is Magdalena Ortega. Magdalena, I’m honoured to introduce Gabriella van Ecken.’
We smiled and nodded to each other. Erik grunted and I looked at him, wary of his mood.
‘My apologies, Mijnheer van Ecken, Magdalena was . . . an unexpected guest. I didn’t feel able to leave her aboard ship with the crew.’
I noticed Hornigold glare at him and realized there was something more going on here.
‘She should not be with you at all!’ Erik finally said. ‘What were you thinking, attacking Porto Belo?’
‘It’s a rich port,’ said Captain Tarr. ‘Our holds are full, and you will do very well out of the raid.’
‘It was reckless! Porto Belo is Spanish territory. Neither of our countries are at war with Spain at present, and you have stolen one of their women.’ He gestured to Magdalena and I dropped my knife with a clatter. ‘You could have started another war with your actions!’
I stared at Sharpe, shocked. He kidnapped this woman! The regard I had for him was shattered. Cheval sniggered beside me and I glanced at him. He was enjoying this.
Hornigold waved his hand. ‘There won’t be a war over a single raid and one woman,’ he said, dismissive.
Erik flushed red, and I flinched before his fist connected with the table. ‘You don’t seem to realize just how precarious your position is, any of you.’ He glared round the table. ‘Morgan is suspended and Governor Lynch wants him gone – preferably hanged. And Lynch won’t stop with Morgan – he wants total power over Jamaica, he’d see every one of Morgan’s men in chains and shipped off to London for trial as pirates. He can’t touch me or Vader, but all of you are in his sights.’ He stared at Tarr, who dropped his eyes. Nobody looked at Erik now except Jan.
‘My son is quite correct,’ he said. ‘Morgan is finished, and you do not have many friends in these waters at the moment. You took an unnecessary risk and have given Lynch all he needs to arrest you.’
‘What do you propose?’ asked Tarr, his jaw set as he stared at Erik.
‘You keep well away from Jamaica, and from New Spain. Their ships are fair game, but leave no witnesses. Bring the ships and their cargoes here. Any coin you find is your own.’
‘Now wait a minute.’ Tarr banged his own fist on the table. ‘There are valuable cargoes out there, we won’t just hand them over! Not many ships carry coin enough to be worth the risks, not when the haul is to be shared with near two hundred men!’
Erik stood and leaned forward, bracing himself with both hands on the table. I pushed my chair back a little.
‘You will hand them over. In return, you will have safe haven on this island – out of Lynch’s grasp. If he attacks here he risks his own war, and London has already suffered enough at the hands of Amsterdam. If he attacks a Dutch island now, it will be him in chains in a cargo hold bound for London, and he knows it. Sayba is your best chance. You work for us now, and we will keep you free.’
Tarr and the other pirates glared at him, but said nothing. Erik sat back down and beckoned to Klara, who placed a plate of meat before him, then served everyone else.
We ate in silence.