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Book: Lottery by Kimberly Shursen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Shursen
hell she was staying and call them.
    In the Tenderloin now, which was in the worst crime suburb in San Francisco, Caleb wasn’t in his comfort zone. Creepy-looking people lurked on every corner. Tattoos of snakes with multiple heads slithered up arms; swastikas decorated shaved heads; red, blue, and green hair; teeth missing; he prayed he’d make it out of here alive.
    He saw her turn right on Union. A sign with large letters that spelled out “Occupy” hung from the deck of a second-floor apartment. Heart in his throat, Caleb wished to hell McKenzie would get to wherever she was going so he could reason with her.
    Turning at the Original Joe’s Italian Restaurant, he peeked around the edge of the building and saw her turn into an alley. Walking faster, Caleb peered after her and saw McKenzie open a door and disappear behind it.
    He walked swiftly and quietly past a couple of druggies; their heads pressed into the brick walls that were covered in graffiti; their eyes rolled back in their heads. When he reached the door she’d opened, he put his ear against it. When Caleb didn’t hear anything, he turned the knob slowly, finding it unlocked.
    Opening the door a couple of inches, he cautiously peered inside. Squinting to see through the dark room that was dimly lit by the streetlights filtering through the broken window panes, he made out a figure sitting on the floor. A flicker from a lighter and Caleb saw the pipe. He had hoped he could get to McKenzie before she smoked more dope.
    Opening the door wide enough to step inside, he noticed a heap of clothing wadded up in a corner—paper sacks littered the floor. He shivered when he imagined rats spying on him from the corners, and bats hiding in the rafters.
    “McKenzie?” he whispered, smelling a rancid odor.
    “Who’s there?” McKenzie slurred.
    “It’s me. Caleb.” He knelt down next to her.
    She tilted her head back, drew in a breath and spit in his face. “
,” she said as one word.
    His hand immediately clenched into a tight fist, he had to keep his temper in check so he could convince her. “Listen to me,” Caleb said, wiping the disgusting spittle off his face. “I’ll help you get out of here.”
    She waved an arm over her head. “Goin’ to jail. You
    “I didn’t kill anyone and I’m not—”
    “Help!” McKenzie screamed, dropped to her hands and knees and started crawling rapidly away from him across the filthy floor. “He’s gonna kill—”
    Enraged, Caleb lunged at her. He slapped one hand over her mouth, his other hand wrapped around her throat. “Shut up!” Why the hell wouldn’t she listen?
    When her teeth slashed into his hand like a rabid dog, Caleb let go, letting out a muffled cry. He felt the warm blood ooze from the bite.
    “Fuckin’ kill the bitch, man,” Weber ordered.
    “Help,” she cried out wildly, trying to scramble away from him. “
Heeeellppp me
    “Damn it, shut the fuck up.” He jumped on top of her, taking them both down into the grime, the dust filling his nose and mouth.
,” McKenzie gushed when her breath was knocked out of her.
    Seeing red, Caleb put his full weight on her back, and slammed her head into the floorboard as she writhed violently beneath him. “I told you to shut the fuck up,” he coughed out.
    “She's going to ruin your life!” Weber shouted.
    Caleb quickly turned her over, grasped a clump of her hair in his hand and smashed her head down into the floor again. “You’re going to fuckin’ listen to me, bitch.” Terror in her eyes, she opened her mouth wide, and started to cry out a high-pitched scream. Caleb slapped his hand over her mouth.
    Keeping her mouth covered, he patted around the floor with his other hand looking for anything he could use to gag her when he found her scarf.
    “I’m going to let go, okay?” He told her calmly.
    Trembling, she nodded slightly, the expression on her face terrified.
    “And I don’t

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