Stepbrother Aflame
feeling like a complete idiot an emotion?” I reply.
    My boyfriend and my best friend were bumping uglies right under my nose. I was so damn blind.
    The small smile on his lips puts my heart at ease. “I think we can work with that.” He throws his arm across the back of the couch. “Have you talked to him?”
    “Not since you pretty much drug me out of the restaurant. He’s been calling and texting, but I’m ignoring them.” I release a low, tortured breath. “I don’t know what the hell to do.”
    My heart was on overdrive when I stood in the doorway and took in the scene in front of me. I wasn’t stupid. I knew exactly what had been happening in that room, and I’d be damned if I was going to stand there and let them give me some bullshit excuse.
    Zeth had grabbed my hand before I had the chance to stab each one of them with a steak knife, and pulled me through the restaurant. I heard Cam yelling behind us, but I didn’t look back at him once. I couldn’t. Zeth didn’t let up until we made it to a street corner a few blocks away. Then he called a cab.
    “You’re seriously not considering taking his bitch ass back?” He asks, sharply.
    I chew on the edge of my nails. “No.”
    “Then what’s the problem? Cry, do all of that ridiculous ass heartbreak shit chicks do in the movies …”
    “Hey, that stuff is necessary,” I say, cutting him off. Not that I’d actually know. Cam was my first serious boyfriend.
    “What’s even more damn necessary is moving the fuck on. Five years from now, you’ll see Cam on the news for hiring high-rate hookers with his campaign money. You’ll be happy you dodged that bullet.”
    A smile breaks out along my lips. “Really? High-rate hookers?”
    “I wouldn’t doubt it.” He elbows me in the side gently. “And you’ll be happy dating some non-asshole boyfriend who doesn’t happen to accidentally stick his weasel dick into your best friend’s sloppy pussy.”
    He’s surprisingly making me feel better.
    “That’s not the problem,” I say, honestly. I’m about to head off to college. The same college my cheating asshole ex-boyfriend is going to.
    “The problem isn’t that he was the country club’s community cock?”
    “The problem is finding a new plan.”
    He shakes his head violently, disgust crossing his features. “Nope, don’t be that girl.”
    “What girl?”
    “The one who takes his ass back thinking he’s a changed man, or boy in his case. He’s only showing remorse because his dumbass got busted. Otherwise, you would’ve never known what he was doing. He’ll cheat again. I can guarantee it. Don’t let it be on you. You’re smarter than that, better than that, and worth so much fucking more.”
    “So what the hell do I do now? I have this plan to leave for college in a few months – the same place as him.”
    “Fuck that plan and get another one. I have no clue what I’m doing with my life. I’m just winging it and it’s pretty fucking freeing. You don’t have to have your shit together and a life plan at eighteen.”
    “I don’t blame him for cheating,” I say, shutting my eyes to blind me from his reaction.
    He snorts. “Well, that’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard you say.”
    “You said it yourself. I’m a prude in the sheets. Who wants to be with a bore in the bedroom?”
    His hand runs through his dark hair and his eyebrows squish together. “Fuck, I told you that you took that shit out of context.” I raise a brow; fully ready to tell him he’s a bold face liar. “Okay, fine, that was an asshole move, but let me clarify what I was saying. When I walked in on you two, you looked like you were bored out of your mind.”
    “I was bored out of my mind.”
    He looks at me dumbfounded. “How can you possibly be bored during sex? Sex is the best thing in the fucking world. Being bored during sex is like a fucking crime.”
    “It’s the same thing over and over again. Eventually, it’s gets old.”
    I shiver

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