Wedding Belles

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Authors: Janice Hanna
Tags: Wedding Belles
riddled with grammatical errors.”
    “Oh, I, well…”
    Thank goodness Fanny arrived at that moment, just as a lone tear dribbled out of Lottie’s eye.
    “Now, Flossie…” Fanny clucked her tongue. “It’s not that bad. We’ve certainly seen worse. Remember that show we did back in ’03? Terrible! We felt sure it would close before it opened to the public, remember?”
    Flossie paled. “Well, yes, but…”
    “Who turned things around?” Fanny looked her sister in the eyes. “ You did, Flossie. You turned things around. You took the time to help that young director with his script and his directing, did you not?”
    Flossie’s gaze shifted to the ground and then up to Lottie before she whispered, “Yes, I did.”
    “And what did the reviewers say?” Fanny asked.
    “They said it was the best show Atlantic City had seen to date.” Flossie’s hardened expression softened into something that almost resembled a smile. “Guess they liked it.”
    “They loved it, and you know it.” Fanny took hold of Flossie’s arms. “There has never once been a show without flaws. Most of them need someone to step in and save the day. This poor girl just needs someone on her side.”
    “It’s true.” Lottie hung her head in shame. “I need your expertise, to be sure.”
    “Every theater person throughout time has needed a boost at some point.” Fanny stared at Flossie. “Sister, we were young once, remember?”
    “Of course I remember,” Flossie said. “What a ridiculous question.”
    “You’re missing my point,” Fanny said. “We were once green around the gills just like this young woman standing before us. Remember our very first show back in ’91? You were a silly chorus girl, and I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. I shudder to think where we would be today if Mr. Jamison from the Poughkeepsie Theater Company hadn’t taken the time to take us on in spite of our inexperience.”
    Flossie sighed.
    “That’s all she needs, Flossie,” Fanny spoke with great passion as she slipped an arm around Lottie’s shoulder. “She needs a shot.”
    Flossie mumbled something about how they were all going to need a shot of whiskey if someone didn’t step in and save the day…to which Fanny responded, “You are that someone.”
    After that, well, Flossie fell silent. So silent, in fact, that Lottie wondered if she would ever speak again.
    * * * * *
    A FTER A BRIEF CONVERSATION with Cornelia, Gilbert noticed Flossie and Fanny talking to Lottie, who appeared teary-eyed. He headed their way and caught the tail end of their conversation. He sensed Lottie’s frustration, of course, and felt bad that Flossie had stirred her to tears, but if what he’d heard was right, the older woman spoke the truth. The script did need work. Not that he had anything to worry about now. No, from the looks of things, God had brought just the right people and at just the right time. With Bossy Flossie taking the reins, the details would practically iron themselves out.
    If tonight’s auditions were any indicator, the melodrama would come together with little effort and the very real predicament at Parker Lodge would soon be a thing of the past. Guests would come out to see the show and leave content. They would spread the word, and before long others would come. Over time things would turn themselves around. He would keep his father’s dream alive by filling the lodge with paying customers. And all because of Lottie’s willingness to humble herself.
    He would have to remind himself to thank her later. Right now he was simply content to breathe a huge sigh of relief.

    Recent auditions for the Parker Lodge theatrical came off without a hitch. Locals and out-of-towners alike showed up to read for parts. What a night! What talent! What flair! What enthusiasm! Truly, a memorable evening for all involved. So, who will play the various roles? Stay tuned for more information. Our cast list will

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