Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Pass To Win Book 1)

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Book: Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Pass To Win Book 1) by Roxy Sinclaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Sinclaire
my brain. I stuck my face under the running water for a few minutes, hoping the steam would help the alcohol seep out of my body.
    When I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, I looked just as bad as when I got in.
    My makeup had melted in the shower and my hair was more matted. I found a single clean washcloth and scrubbed at my face until I looked more human and less raccoon-like.
    After some searching, I found a cheap plastic comb and began working on my hair. Once it was smooth down to the nape of my neck, I gathered the rest of the poofy mess up, and tied it back with the hair tie I kept on my wrist. I still looked rough, but good enough for walking home without creating a scene.
    I felt lightheaded and sat down on the edge of the tub. I cupped a few handfuls of cool water from the sink and sipped. I didn’t want to go back out into the bedroom. I couldn’t face him after what he did to me. Once again, I was embarrassed. Not for drinking too much, but for being vulnerable. I hated not being in control. I steadied myself, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
    To my surprise, the room was empty. In the spot where I had slept was a plate of toast and bacon. There was a sports drink on the bedside table. The thought of eating anything repulsed me, but I knew it was the best way to get over a hangover.
    Maybe it would give me the energy to walk back to my dorm. I nibbled at the toast, drying my mouth to the point where I could hardly swallow. I cracked open the drink and took a few small sips. I paused, waiting to make sure it would stay down. When it did, it took a few more slow, small bites.
    I was about halfway done with my plate when Martin entered the room. So much for a stealthy exit.
    “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked, frowning.
    “I don’t know what your confusion is. You aren’t the one who doesn’t remember anything,” I fired back.
    “I can tell you everything about last night, if you’ll just listen to me.”
    “Sure, I bet you’ll twist facts so you come off as the hero again.”
    “What do you think happened?” he asked, looking hurt.
    “I woke up in your bed, and both of us were practically naked. I don’t remember anything, so that means I was extremely drunk. I think I can put two and two together.”
    “Never go into detective work,” he scowled. “Would you like me to tell you what really happened?”
    I was silent. I didn’t really want to hear it. I grabbed my shoes and purse and tried the door handle. It was locked.
    “This is sick,” I yelled. “Locking me in here, for what?”
    “I didn’t lock it,” he said, genuinely confused.
    He tried opening the door, but there was something in the way. He called Reg on his cell and ask him to help us.
    “There’s something wrong with my door, Reg. Can you try to open it from the outside?” he asked.
    “Well, um,” Reg stuttered. “We kinda barricaded the door.”
    “You what?”
    Reg hung up and I heard Sasha’s voice booming from the other side of the door.
    “We’ve all had enough of your bickering. It’s time you work things out. When everything is fixed, we’ll let you out.”
    I was furious. I just wanted to go home and nurse this hangover in peace and quiet.
    “Now that we’re stuck here,” he said a little softer. “I’m going to tell you the facts. You got really drunk and came onto me. Don’t get me wrong; I was thrilled when you motioned me into my room.
    We kissed, but I could tell that you were too drunk to do anything else. You took off my shirt and then you took off your own clothes. I was going to try to sober you up, but you passed out. That’s it.”
    “If that’s everything that happened,” I started. “Then how can you call it ‘one of the best nights of your life’?”
    He blushed.
    “It’s not often that you get to share your bed with the captain of the cheerleading team.”
    I scoffed and pounded on the door. “We figured things out,” I yelled to the

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