The Game

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Book: The Game by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
art and marble flooring and into a room similar to a large den. A fire burned in the fireplace—an optical illusion, as he felt no heat and he knew the temperature was regulated on Zygoman. Tor motioned for Seth to sit in one of two chairs before the hearth, sitting in the remaining chair. Silence lingered for a moment between them until a slave entered and handed each of them a glass of Bordeaux. Quietly, she backed out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
    Tor gazed at the red liquid and then sat the drink down on an end table and shifted nervously in his chair. The anxious movement placed Seth on edge. This can’t be good.
    “Master Seth, I know that you came to Zygoman with an agenda. But Voyeur II has an agenda of its own, as well.”
    Seth fingers tightened around the stem of his glass. Why hadn’t he had the foresight to ask Monty details? Seth loathed surprises and he felt a doozy was coming.
    “Their goal is for slave Chastity to fail.”
    Of course, Seth should have realized that when money was involved there would be a catch. Even for a friend, Monty, not to mention the network, would not willingly allow Chastity to walk off with one hundred million dollars.
    “To ensure this is accomplished, Voyeur II has paid for the Ultima-Erotic Experience, including add-ons.”
    The Game
    Why did it feel like Seth was waiting for the other shoe to drop? But he asked the question anyway. “Add-ons?”
    “Just few small…uh…interesting things.” Tor added quickly, “Nothing that will actually harm her. There’s the slave auction. Of course, you have the right to purchase her, if you so choose.” The man’s Adam’s apple dipped nervously. “And, then there’s the four-way.”
    “The four-way will require others to touch your slave similar to what you just saw.”
    Aha, that little exhibition had been staged for his benefit. What was he supposed to say, yeah have a go at Chastity?
    Seth stood and began to pace the room. “The contract states that she will not be physically harmed.” Heat rose in the room, kicking on the temperature regulators.
    “Yes, that’s true. However, creatively, there is a lot that can be done to a person without physical harm.”
    Chastity wouldn’t be cooperative. Hell would freeze over before she would surrender. Seth jerked to a halt. Had hell frozen over? It didn’t take a brain surgeon to see she didn’t want to be here.
    “I’ll need your agreement that you will not interfere with the mandates of Voyeur II.”
    “Monty’s a dead man,” Seth growled. He sat his wineglass down so hard the stem snapped in two. Wine splashed on the end table and the glass tumbled off and shattered across the floor.
    Tor stood, picked up an identity screen, and held it out to him. When Seth made no attempt to give his consent, Tor added, “If you have concern for the woman, remember that if you don’t go through with this, Voyeur II will get someone else to. Slave Chastity seems determined to win the money, or clearly she wouldn’t be here.”
    Okay, the inevitable twist the arm trick. Seth couldn’t leave Chastity with the unknown. It seemed ironic that he should be taking the position of her champion when what he wanted was revenge.
    He placed a shaky hand on the screen. A florescent green line scrolled down the monitor. Then a multitude of information flashed across the screen in a blur. His head made several quick, jerky movements side-to-side as he attempted to read what he had signed.
    “A copy of the agreement will be awaiting you in your room. Additionally, you are free to choose anything off our Register of Pleasures. You can view the list on the cinema-monitor. Any wish, any desire, can and will be fulfilled.”
    Seth quietly turned and stared into the blazing fire. “Where is Chastity?”
    “She’s in training.”
    “Training!” Seth snapped his head in Tor’s direction. “Who’s conducting the training?” He tensed, not ready to hear the

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