The Billionaire's Secret Wife (The Pryce Family Book 3) (Volume 3)

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Book: The Billionaire's Secret Wife (The Pryce Family Book 3) (Volume 3) by Nadia Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadia Lee
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
and started shaking.
    Justin squeezed them and kept his eyes on hers. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my commitment to you. Know that from now on, all that I am, all that I have are yours.” He slid the band on her finger. “Wear it with happiness and think of my vow to you.”
    Her mouth dried. She hadn’t prepared a vow. She’d been so busy working and trying not to think about their elopement. One would think she should be able to extemporaneously come up with something clever, given her experience and education. She was one of the best lawyers in the state!
    But the only thing her hormone-addled and sleep-deprived brain could come up with was, “With this ring, I thee wed.” So she murmured the six words and put the ring on his finger.
    “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
    The joyous tune of Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” burst from the helicopter’s sound system. Aaron and the lawyers clapped, while the photographer snapped more shots.
    Justin linked their left hands together and kissed her. Her mouth parted like it couldn’t wait. Maybe it was something in the state of her mind that made her want to cling to him. What had just happened felt like a scene from some surrealist’s imagination, and Justin was the only thing that felt normal and sane in a world where the clocks were melting.
    Before she could prolong and deepen the kiss, Justin pulled back. A bemused smile ghosted on his face. “Wife.”
    Because it was the right thing to say, she murmured, “Husband.”
    Her stomach jittered, and she managed to smile while locking her jaw. Even if it wasn’t something she’d ever wanted, she wasn’t going to throw up at her wedding ceremony.
    * * *
    “Is there anything else planned for the evening?” Vanessa asked, as their limo glided toward their hotel.
    Justin nodded. “We have a dinner reservation.”
    He frowned. She seemed listless and her voice lacked its usual vigor. On the other hand, she hadn’t been herself all day. She’d been so tense, her skin cool and clammy. He’d chalked it up to her uncertainty about their marriage. But now it seemed like it was more. When Vanessa sighed, Justin looked at her more closely in the dying light. Tension marked her lips, and her eyes seemed to have sunken deeper into her skull. There was something wilted about the way she slumped in the seat and let her head loll.
    “Are you okay?” he asked.
    “I’m fine.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Besides, I have to eat. Right?” She patted her belly.
    Justin cursed himself. Knowing her, she’d probably half-killed herself to finish up all her work to take the day off. A lot of people thought she wouldn’t take her career seriously, given how wealthy her family was and the big trust that she inherited when she’d graduated from college, but she worked harder than anyone he knew.
    “We can always get room service,” he said. “It’s no big deal.”
    Relief flashed through her eyes. “You don’t mind?”
    “Nope. We can go next time. Let me cancel it.” He texted his assistant, telling her to cancel everything booked after the wedding ceremony.
    “Thank you.”
    “You’re my wife. You come first.”
    She nodded, but she broke eye contact. Her face seemed frozen in disbelief and wistful resignation. She was probably preoccupied with all sorts of thoughts, most likely about what this marriage meant to the two of them, what sort of family they would create together. With the Sterlings, it was Barron at the center of all sorts of rollercoaster dramas. He could be delicate when he had to, but in general he had the finesse of a bull in Pamplona. With the Pryces, it was Salazar, Ceinlys and Dane, the oldest of Vanessa’s four brothers. Salazar had cheated on his wife ever since Justin could remember. Because of the prenup, Salazar had been brazen about his other women. Justin was certain Ceinlys had had her share of lovers. He’d heard hushed whispers, and

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