Some Women

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Authors: Emily Liebert
focused on the woman, who was every bit as perky as Annabel had described. “Oh, my God, I know her!” She whipped her head back around to face Annabel. “That’s Mackenzie Mead. She’s married to CeCe Mead’s son and she runs the marketing department at my company.”
    â€œOh yeah. I think I’ve seen her before in
Eastport Magazine
.” Annabel appraised the woman as a jeweler would a diamond. “She’s even prettier in person. You should say hello.”
    â€œAre you crazy? She has no idea who I am. Plus, I’m half an hour late to work. Don’t even look in her direction.” Piper held the menu in front of her face.
    â€œShe’ll never see you now!” Annabel smirked.
    â€œPut your menu up too. Come on.”
    â€œWhy? She doesn’t know me.” Annabel did as Piper said regardless. “This time, really do not turn around. She’s coming this way.”
    â€œPiper?” Mackenzie stood at the side of their table in black capri-length Lycra yoga pants with a figure-grazing white tank top under her distressed-leather, motorcycle-style jacket.
    â€œOh, hi. Mackenzie, right? I didn’t see you come in.”
    â€œWe were in exercise class together just now.”
    â€œI always stand in the back. I feel like such an uncoordinated fool in there.”
feel like an uncoordinated fool?” Annabel interjected, in an attempt to rescue Piper from her awkward discourse. “I thought you might be one of the teachers at first.”
    â€œHa!” Mackenzie laughed, and Annabel noticed how straight and white her teeth were. “I just started. I’ve always been more of a runner, but I wanted to find a workout that wasn’t as hard on the body. I’m, um, trying to get pregnant.” She massaged her belly in a circular motion, and Annabel couldn’t help but wonder if she already was. Women always said they were going to make major lifestyle changes in advance—give up things like coffee and alcohol. But, the truth was, most of it was crap. And anyway, Annabel’s obstetrician had once told her that he’d heard of more kids conceived on drunken nights than at any other time.
    â€œGood for you.” Annabel smiled. She remembered being Mackenzie’s age, likely twenty-seven or twenty-eight, if she guessed correctly, when the future had held the promise of
. Back when she hadn’t given any thought to divorce agreements or custody battles over the children she didn’t even have yet. She’d viewed the world through the rosiest glasses and had occupied a bubble that even the sharpest needle wouldn’t have been able to burst. And she imagined Mackenzie’s bubble was even sturdier, given the family she’d married into. At least she hoped it was, for her sake.
    â€œThanks. It’s early yet. I have a hard time keeping my big mouth shut.”
    â€œYour secret is safe with us.” Annabel signaled to Piper, who was staring silently at Mackenzie, no doubt thankful that Annabel had hijacked the conversation. “Right, Piper?”
    â€œOh yeah. Absolutely. My lips are sealed.”
    â€œI really appreciate that. You know how my mother-in-law is.”
    â€œI don’t even know her that well.” Piper shook her head.
    â€œDon’t worry. I’m fairly certain no one knows CeCe that well. Except maybe her dog.” Mackenzie smiled slyly. “I know she thinks very highly of you, though.”
Piper pressed her palm to her chest.
    â€œYup. Remember when you and Lucy helped her and my husband with that big project a few months ago? She still talks about how sharp you were with your observations.”
    â€œWow, that’s nice to hear.”
    â€œEspecially coming from the boss lady.” Mackenzie grinned. “Even Santa has a hard time making it onto her ‘good’ list.” She held up her

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