Island Shifters: Book 02 - An Oath of the Mage

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Book: Island Shifters: Book 02 - An Oath of the Mage by Valerie Zambito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Zambito
    She nodded glumly. Her intuitions had never let her down, and she had known for some time now that the intrigues of the Court were becoming more malignant. From Lord Davad Etin’s machinations to the murdered man in the forest and now to this news of Gemini. As if that were not enough, for the second time in her life, an army was on the move against those she loved. An army of her own people apparently. To make matters worse, she could not shift to save her own life due to her pregnancy.
    Regardless, she would find a way to save her land.
    Find a way to stop whoever was responsible for these events.
    And, find a way to find her husband.

    When Davad heard the shouts and cries coming from the guardroom up the short stairs from the cells, his heart began to race. He knew in that instant that either Abram or Ava had come through with their promise to get him out of this dungeon. Most likely Abram. The Lord had predicted that Davad’s release would not come without bloodshed and evidently, he had been correct.
    Davad rose from his cot, anxious to confirm that this was indeed a rescue.
    He did not have to wait long. A soldier in the gray and white tunic of House Winslow appeared at his cell with a victorious grin on his young face. He inserted a key into the lock. “My Lord, if you will come with me. Your release comes at the compliments of Lord Winslow.” The soldier threw the cell door open wide.
    “About bloody time. What have you to report?”
    “The Houses of Winslow and Conry hold Nysa. The gates are secured.”
    Davad was impressed. He had not hoped to gain the city until after his army arrived. “Maximus?”
    “He is being detained in his chambers under heavy guard. Lord Hamilton and Lady Knapp are also being held separately in their estates, their soldiers all secured. But, Gregaros is missing. He could not be located here in the city or in his home city of York. Curiously, not one soldier from House Gregaros has been seen in Nysa.”
    “Quite a few. Mostly the Scarlet Sabers of the Royal Guard. Maximus’ Lions reluctantly laid down their arms when they realized they were outnumbered.”
    “Very good. Well done, soldier. Now, for the moment I have been looking forward to for a very long time. Take me to our prisoner.”
    The soldier nodded and proceeded up the stairs to the guardroom. Davad noticed several guards sprawled dead on the floor, including his brutish aggressor. He stepped over to the man’s body and kicked him in the head with a forceful blow. Immensely satisfied with that small victory, he ignored the look from Winslow’s man and gestured for him to lead the way out.
    Emerging onto the main floor of the palace, he was pleased to see the corridors teeming with the colors of House Winslow and House Conry and even some of his Flying Eagles who had traveled to the city with him to attend Court.
    Winslow’s second, Commander Raj Mendel, noticed him and jogged over to fall into step beside him. “Good to see you, my Lord.”
    He nodded. “Commander.”
    “Commander Bassus sends his regards. He should arrive with your army in eight to nine days.”
    “Good. Walk with me.”
    The Commander simply nodded without asking questions.
    “Do you know what happened to the three Saber Captains?” questioned Davad.
    “Roman Traynor is in Kondor, Kirby Nash, we believe, is still in Bardot, and Darin Morel is dead, killed during the siege.”
    “Bo Franck?”
    “Confined with King Maximus.”
    Davad looked over at Abram’s man. “Where is Lord Winslow?”
    “Seeing to the security of the city. He should be along any time.”
    “Very well. I shall see him then. Oh, one other thing. After our visit with King Maximus, you will see to another task right away.”
    “It will be as you command, my Lord.”
    “I want you to bring me my brother’s head.”
    Narrowed eyes darted his way. “I will see to it, my Lord.”
    Battle calls for the Savage Badgers or the Crouching

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