Never Wanted More

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Book: Never Wanted More by Stacey Mosteller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Mosteller
court, then halfway, then three quarters, then to the other side of the court. They go through this weird sequence three more times with Wyatt easily pulling in front of the rest of the team. I didn't realize he was so fast, but then, I've never watched him practice or run so why would I?
    At the end, the coach blows his whistle again, saying, "Bring it in boys!" The guys form a circle around him and he talks for a few minutes before everyone puts a hand in and they shout something before breaking apart to head to the locker room. Instead of following everyone else, Wyatt jogs over to me.
    "Hey Pey," he pants. "I need to go take a shower, but I'll be ready to go after that okay?" Then, he pulls up the bottom of his t-shirt, and uses it to wipe the sweat off his face before deciding to remove it completely. Wyatt's definitely man candy and I'm immediately jealous of anyone who's ever gotten to touch him. He's got one of those bodies that's toned, but doesn't look like he's been doing steroids for years. He has broad shoulders, pecs that beg to have a girls hands run over them, and a six pack that features a happy trail that disappears into the shorts that hang low on his hips.
    And now I have the image of Wyatt, naked, in the shower. He's standing in front of me dripping with sweat which doesn't help that mental image. I start to tell him I'll wait, but my voice sounds rusty, like I haven't used it for a while and I have to clear it before I can continue.
    Wyatt grins, loving my discomfort. "Ten minutes, okay?"
    To avoid more embarrassment, I just nod and he jogs back towards the locker room. He doesn't get far before the coach yells his name and he slows to a walk to allow him to catch up to him. The coach puts a hand on Wyatt's shoulder and says something to him, causing Wyatt to grimace before answering him. Patting him on the shoulder once, the coach says something else before letting him go into the locker room.
    When Wyatt finally comes back out, he's wearing a pair of dark jeans, a grey hoodie and a pair of black Converse sneakers with his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Ready to go?" he asks as he reaches down to grab my bag before holding out a hand to help me down from the bleachers.
    "Yeah, I guess so. Where are we going?" After seeing him practice, the last thing I want is to be alone with him somewhere, and I definitely don't want him in my dorm room. There won't be any way to keep my distance if we go there.
    "I figured we'd just go to the library since it's only a few buildings down from here. Then you won't have to move your car. We can just walk down."
    I sigh in relief, causing Wyatt to shoot me a quick, confused look before shaking his head. He slows his walk so that he can stay beside me while he asks me questions about my day. He always does this, wants to know everything that happened since he last saw me, and it warms me just as much as it disturbs me. I've been trying so hard to keep him at arms length, but he just won't give up, no matter how hateful I am towards him. Now that he's tutoring me, I really can't be mean to him either, because he could tell me the wrong thing and make things even harder on me. Not that I think he would really do that, but the option is there.
    It takes only a few minutes to reach the library, and I've never been so grateful to walk inside as I am right now. Once we enter all his focus will be on Math instead of on me, which is definitely a good thing. He reaches the door first, and opening it he places his hand on my lower back to lead me in. My jacket isn't very thick and the warmth from his hand warms my entire body. God, I'm turning into such a girl !
    He continues to make small talk as we walk up the stairs to the main library floor. Downstairs is mostly meeting rooms and small study cubicles, which are meant for one person only. He always chooses a table that's far away from everyone else, like he's afraid my attention is going to be anywhere but on him. Like

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