Shana Galen

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Authors: True Spies
not remember ever having missed kissing her before now.
    “Is something amiss?” she asked.
    Winn blinked. “No. Why?”
    “You are staring at me.”
    “You are a beautiful woman,” he answered, watching as color flooded her cheeks. “I cannot help myself.”
    The look she gave him was one of confusion and wariness. She did not believe he was being sincere and, further, she did not know how to accept the compliment. The fact pleased him, because it meant others like this Trollope had not yet corrupted her. She had not decided to throw him over yet. Of course, the fact that she was open to corruption was his fault entirely. Why did he not compliment her more? Why did he not kiss her more often? Take her to bed?
    Because he was never here. Except… he was here now. “Bramson, leave us for a few moments, please.”
    Elinor gave Winn a puzzled look.
    “Yes, my lord,” the butler answered, closing the door behind him.
    “Now I know something is wrong.”
    Winn stood, crossed the room, and sat in the chair beside her.
    She scooted to the far side of her chair, increasing the distance between them. “You have never dismissed Bramson.”
    “Nothing is the matter.” He reached over and took her free hand. She tried to pull it away, but he would not release it. She had not yet donned her gloves, and her hands were warm and soft. “I wanted to speak to you privately.”
    He must be one of the worst husbands in England to receive this response. Elinor did not even want to hold his hand, much less believe he wanted to speak to her. “Do I need a reason to speak privately to my wife?”
    “Winn.” She loosed her hand. He let it go rather than engage in a tug-of-war. “Please stop being so mysterious. What is it you want?”
    “You,” he said without thinking.
    She blinked. “I don’t understand.”
    “Another of my failings,” he murmured. She really did not know her appeal. He stood and pulled her chair back.
    “What are you—?”
    Before she could protest further, he pulled her out of the chair and into his arms. He remembered the feel of her. Her body was soft and feminine and ripe with curves. He did not remember it having been so rigid.
    He put a finger on her lips. “Don’t speak. It’s been far too long since I’ve done this.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her tenderly, gently. It was the kiss he would have given a new lover, a tentative, testing kiss, because he could not remember how she liked to be kissed. Or perhaps he’d never paid enough attention to know.
    Her lips remained as rigid as her body, but she exhaled a small puff of warm, surprised air. Her breath was sweet with the sugar and cream from her tea, and he dipped his head again to taste her more thoroughly. His lips met hers with more persuasion this time, and he tightened his hands on her arms, pulling her closer. She did not go willingly, but he sensed desire in her, in the way her breath hitched and her lips yielded slightly.
    “Stop,” she whispered. It was perhaps the most unconvincing order he had ever heard. Her voice, husky and low, betrayed her need. No man in his right mind would stop after hearing the unspoken craving.
    He was obviously not in his right mind. “Why?” He kissed her cheek, the tip of her nose, the flutter of her eyelashes.
    “Someone might come in.” She stepped back, and he noted the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. Oh, Winn could think of so many places he wanted to kiss, so many wicked things he wanted to do. Why had he spent so much time away? Why had he not remembered what a desirable woman he had married?
    “Shall I lock the door?” he asked. He glanced at the table. “I could clear it in a matter of moments.” He leaned close and whispered in her ear, “You would look glorious spread naked on that gleaming wood. Perhaps I could take some of the clotted cream and lick it off—”
    “Winn!” She jumped back, her face bright red. Had he aroused her or

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