Dark Desires: Deliverance
the day before that she asked him about who was in the west wing.
Gaby never talked to him, let alone asked him anything that could be milked out
of her lover. He had ignored her, not wanting to open the gate to her or
Kamal's scrutiny. He excused himself and went to check whether his suspicions
were correct.
    He was furious at
Gaby for dragging his name through the. He was picturing himself from Valerie’s
point of view, through her innocent eyes he was indeed a monster, thank God she
didn’t know to what extent. He wished he had had the opportunity to play on her
insecurities and drive a wedge between her and her Russian lover. Now that
Gabriella had stuck herself where she didn't belong and opened her big mouth to
denigrate his character – she would be weary of him. He punched the wall next
to him which drew a concerned look from his guard who knew better than to ask.
Sometimes he forgot he was always being followed. Fuck! It's back to the
drawing board.

Chapter Five
    The day after
Gabriella had invited herself into Val's room things had changed and not for
the better.  All meals were brought in exclusively by Moe. This was at the
explicit order of Keyaan and she was beginning to
realise that his rule was law. She had ample time on her hands and that only led
to reflections. Reflections of memories and her life in
general. In the beginning, she had been scared and worried for her
safety and return home. That soon abated once she had been lulled into the
routine of - breakfast, time alone, lunch, time alone, dinner, more time alone
and then finally when she slept.
    She thought about her
family, her friends and then Vlad. Lately, she couldn't get him out of her mind
which was both a good thing and also the cause of her worst lows. Her memories
of the passionate, possessive man she had come to love were the best. They gave
her hope that this terrible time in her life would come to an end. But when her
memories turned on her, in an accusatory like fashion, by showing him as this
cold man who took what he wanted and sometimes disregarded her feelings, then
she hated him. Based on her sour mood she hated him right now and cursed the
day she walked into that particular bar and opened her big, brazen mouth to
pick-up the gorgeous man. Devil in a fucking Sunday Hat .
    A knock on the door
sounded before Mohammed unlocked it and pushed the dinner trolley in. Ever
since finding out from Gaby that he was "the biggest softy", she had
tried conversing with him. Unfortunately, she hadn't gotten to know him beyond
salutations. He pushed the tray next to the coffee table while she got up from
the bed to take her seat on the Ottoman. 
    "Thank you,
    "Do you mind if
I call you Moe?"
    This was as far as
she had planned their conversation, but she did not wish to spend another day
in her own company. "Stay, have dinner with me."
    "I can't."
    The invite had been a
bit of a stretch. If you don't try you'll never know. Taking a deep
breath she took a different approach as she saw him heading towards the door.
"If you're my personal guard, then surely you should be where I am? What's
the difference between you being out there and you being in here?"
    Moe was on his way
out when her questions halted his steps. He turned back to answer her. "My
job is not only to make sure you don't get out but also to ensure that no-one
comes in."
    The answer had caught
Val off guard. She had been so fixated on her escape from this hellhole that
she failed to consider the equal opportunity that someone might take trying to
get in on account of rescuing her. She then thought back to Gaby's short visit
and the look of unadulterated rage on Keyaan's face
when he had walked in on them. Maybe he was also meant to keep unwanted guests
from coming in as well. After a few beats of silence, she saw him heading for
the door once more.
    "When do you
sleep?" she quickly asked in an effort to keep him with her longer.
    "Once I've

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