Frost on My Window

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Book: Frost on My Window by Angela Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Weaver
I’ll head to New York.”
    I almost dropped the phone in surprise. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had thought the connection between the two of us would be severed by time and distance.
    “I didn’t know you liked New York. Thought you were a California boy.”
    He laughed. “Don’t be fooled by the blond hair. I’ve already leased an apartment in Hell’s Kitchen.”
    “I’ll be staying there when I’m in town next week.”
    The tickets. “That’s right, your concert’s next week. I heard you sold out the Garden. Nervous?”
    “Some. But not for the reasons you think.”
    “Oh? So what’s got Mr. Confident nervous?”
    I couldn’t think of anything more intimidating than playing to a packed house in Madison Square Garden. Although a newcomer, I’d already heard that all the greats had played on that stage and if you weren’t good, New Yorkers didn’t hesitate to let you know it. But I’d also heard that if they loved you, they would keep you in their hearts forever.
    “You’ve never been at one of my concerts before.”
    My heart stilled and then beat slowly as my mind struggled to come up with a response. I wanted Rena’s advice more than I wanted anything at this moment, but the girl never got out of bed before noon on Saturdays. This was her world, the friendship, the caring. I’d never get used to the switch. One minute Sean was a regular guy off the street and then he was the man , the one whose singing spoke to people all over the world and captured women’s hearts.
    “If my being there will make you nervous…” I started.
    “No. I want you and Rena to be there. Did you get the tickets?”
    “Yes, thank you. I’ve never been so close to the stage before. It’ll be wild.”
    “Just make sure you stay out of trouble,” he teased.
    “Ha. You mean don’t get trampled by teenagers with runaway hormones?”
    He laughed. “Tom promised me that security will be pretty tight.”
    “That’s good to hear.”
    “I’m going to be in the city for the week giving interviews. Would you mind being my dinner companion one night?”
    Would I mind? Hell no. “Any place in particular you want to eat? For some of the good spots you need to make early reservations.”
    As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to pull them back. Sean was a celebrity and in New York that meant something, including immediate access to the top restaurants.
    “How about we play it by ear?”
    “Sounds good to me,” I replied and got out of bed. Stretching, I walked over to the windows and opened the blinds, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the sudden deluge of bright light.
    “So you can fit me into your schedule?” he asked.
    “For you, my friend, I’ll even skip my gym class.”
    “You’ve joined a gym?” His voice was incredulous.
    I laughed as I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen with Simba trailing behind. I remembered telling Sean about how much I hated being inside LA gyms. The emphasis on gym fashion and looks far outweighed the supposedly friendly atmosphere.
    “Not all of us have world-class personal trainers,” I teased.
    “So you’re actually going to the gym?” Disbelief was evident in his tone.
    “One of my college friends and I work out in the morning before going to work. I’ve actually taken a couple of spin classes.”
    “Uh-huh,” he murmured.
    “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked while scooping cat food into Simba’s bowl.
    “Maybe this is something I have to see to believe. You’re getting up at six in the morning?”
    “Five-thirty,” I automatically corrected.
    “To go to the gym?”
    I could still hear the skepticism in Sean’s voice. “Miracles do happen once in a while,” I laughed.
    “Good for you. I’m proud of you.”
    “Now that you’ve had your laughs for the day, why don’t you go and do something useful, like lie on the beach?”
    “Ouch. That hurt.”
    “Really? Good.”
    “You are one tough lady, Leah

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