Weekend With Her Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Returns Book 4)

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Book: Weekend With Her Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Returns Book 4) by Jeannie Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannie Moon
around the children’s room, looking at some old favorite books and browsing through some new books she’d never seen. Coming to the library was always special. From the time she was very little, to the study sessions with friends, the library had been at the center of her existence.
    Her mother emerged and the two of them walked back across Court Street. Marietta was so predictable. The shops were practical, the food was good and simple, and the people were friendly and hardworking. Every place should be this way.
    “So,” Mom began once they were seated in a booth. “How go the plans for the big wedding?”
    “Good,” she answered. “Everything is confirmed. The ranch is ready for us. I think my dress will still fit after eating like a pig for the past week. The bride and groom are all set. I think it’s going to go off without a hitch.”
    “That’s lovely, honey. Have you heard from Gavin?” And there was the question she was waiting for. Her mother was downright giddy Gavin had agreed to go with her. She didn’t say why, but she was ridiculously excited.
    “I heard from him yesterday. He’s fine. Busy, I guess.” That’s it, Ally, keep it vague.
    “Is he looking forward to seeing you?”
    “I guess you’d have to ask him, Mom.”
    They ordered their food and settled into small talk about the library, Mom’s retirement, and her father who was on a new kick at home. He was trying to automate everything, from lights to music to when the heat went on. It was keeping him occupied, but it was driving her crazy.
    It was a pleasant lunch. Ally was enjoying her loaded burger and fries way too much when her mother sent her into shock.
    “Maybe you and Gavin could just be friends with benefits.”
    The rapid intake of breath when Ally heard her mother’s statement forced her iced tea down the wrong pipe, and sent Ally into a choking fit. Gasping and coughing wildly, her mother came around to the other side of the booth and slid in, frantically trying to help.
    Friends with benefits? Holy shit.
    “Oh, oh! Raise your arms honey. Here, let me help!” The next thing she knew her mother was grabbing her wrists, pulling them up over her head. God, this was humiliating. “Goodness,” her mother exclaimed. “You’re a big girl!”
    The entire diner was watching her coughing fit while her mother treated her like a three-year-old, holding her arms above her head, shaking them around, and patting her back. “Breathe, Ally. Atta girl.”
    “MOM! Stop!” The words came out on a hoarse growl as she tried to catch her breath. “I’m fine. Just stop.”
    All the eyes? Still on them.
    “What was that all about?” her mother asked. “It wasn’t the friends with benefits thing, was it?”
    “Mom, please stop talking about it.” Ally hoped if she kept her voice down, her mother would temper what she always called her ‘teacher voice’.
    “I don’t see the problem. It’s the perfect solution because face it, my dear, you seriously need sex.” No such luck on the volume. Her mother rose and went back to her side of the booth, completely unaware that her voice had carried through the diner and had stopped everyone mid-bite. Again.
    Ally was becoming quite the lunchtime attraction. Great.
    This would be all over town before supper.
    Gavin would hear about it, too.
    “I’m available!” came a hopeful voice from the end of the diner.
    The place erupted in laughter and Ally felt the heat rise in her face. Forget charm, this was the hell of small towns.
    Gavin sprawled on his couch, exhausted from another marathon shift. The last thing he wanted was visitors, but someone was banging on the door of his apartment. When he opened it, he found his brother Dan, carrying a six pack.
    “What the hell are you doing here?”
    Dan grinned as he made his way inside, tossing his hat on one of the chairs. “Hey to you too, bro.”
    “Something wrong?”
    Choosing a space on the couch, his brother sat and

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