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Book: Jailbait by Emily Goodwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Goodwin
Grayson buries his face in my hair and bites my neck as he climaxes. He lets out a guttural growl and his hot cum streams inside me. I cling to him, feeling his cock pulse, and listening to his heart pound in his chest.  
    We stay like that, just holding each other as we come down from the high for several minutes. Then he slides out and hands me my clothes. I slip my panties on before I jump down from the counter. Grayson steps into his boxers, not taking his eyes off of me.
    I gather my clothes, mop up the spilled wine, and then take Grayson’s hand. We go up the narrow staircase and into my dark room. I quickly use the bathroom and get myself cleaned up and ready for bed. I collapse into bed, bringing Grayson with me. He spoons his body around mine, holding me tight.  
      I feel so small tucked in against him like this, small yet so empowered.  
    “Gray?” I whisper.
    “I’m glad you came back.”  
    He kisses my neck, and my heart feels so full. Which is crazy and I know it, but I can’t help how I feel. How I’ve felt.
    My feelings for Grayson never went away, and laying here with him has awakened them, bringing them out with fury. I trace my fingers along his arm, enjoying the peace that surrounds me. Peace that I haven’t felt in forever.  
    Grayson left me, but now he’s back. I just hope it’s for good this time.  

Chapter Six

    Pale moonlight bathes the room, and the calming scent of lavender fills the air. Pepper’s tangled hair tickles my face and my right arm is going numb beneath her, but I don’t dare move. Because this is fucking perfect.  
    Pepper fell asleep quickly, and while I share the same exhaustion, there’s no way I’m closing my eyes just yet. It’s not often I feel this way, and I don’t want it to disappear for something as mundane as sleep. No, I want to remember every inch of Pepper’s naked body, how tight her pussy felt around my dick, the way she looks when she comes…and how fucking good it feels to have her nestled in my arms like this. She’s so soft and delicate yet full of fire.  
    I look around the room. The large space—like the kitchen—has been redecorated since the last time I was here, yet it’s familiar. Pepper’s personal tastes never matched the grandiose decor of the rest of the house. She likes earth tones, and prefers anything natural. I recall a time when another girl at her school made fun of her for not wearing makeup, and insulted Pepper’s bohemian fashion. She never let anyone but me know that it upset her, and what she said about it was something I never forgot…and was one of the defining moments in our relationship.  
    She told me she felt sorry for the girl who was bullying her, because she must be really unhappy with herself if she had to pick apart other people’s flaws. And she wasn’t just saying that to cover up her hurt feelings, Pepper really believed it. She made it her mission to befriend this girl, and a month later they were hanging out together. And it turned out, the girl’s parents had gone through a bitter divorce, and her new stepmom-to-be dressed in a similar sense to Pepper.  
    People aren’t inherently bad, she told me. Circumstances turn them that way. And if someone was good once, they can be again.  
    I wish that were true.
    Clouds pass over the moon, darkening the room. I can’t recall how many nights I spent tucked in this big bed next to Pepper. I regret how much I took for granted back then, how I naively assumed we’d stay together. I can hardly remember the last time we were together. It was nothing spectacular; just a normal night of talking and enjoying each other’s company. She was home for fall break from Cornell, blowing off a trip to France with her friends so she could see me.
    The weekend started off much like this reunion: fucking like crazy because it had been too long since the last time, talking, laughing, and just being together. I told Pepper that her

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