Beautiful Entourage

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Book: Beautiful Entourage by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
said. “You’ve golfed for a long time?” All the irritation he had for Aspen had disappeared.
    “My whole life,” I said. “I buy new clubs every year since I wear them out so often.”
    “Me too,” he said. “I’m glad I’m not the only one. But I admit, I just love shopping for golf supplies.”
    I released a fake laugh. “You and I are one and the same, sir.”
    Mr. Lane was in a very good mood now. “What do you drive?”
    Aspen said cars were another weakness. “I drive a Jaguar. But I also have an Indian motorcycle for those rare occasions I want to venture out of the city and into the wide open spaces.”
    “New York can get claustrophobic at times,” he said. “I have a house in Connecticut so I can breathe in the fresh air.”
    “That’s a smart idea, sir.” At least he and I were getting along.
    Mr. Lane snapped at a waiter. “Get this man a scotch.”
    I didn’t like the way he spoke to the waiter but I didn’t voice it.
    “You’re a scotch man, right?” he asked.
    “Through and through,” I answered.
    The waiter handed me the glass and I downed it.
    Mr. Lane smiled. “You drink like a real man.” He drank his own.
    Aspen stood silently beside me, like she didn’t exist.
    I kept my arm around her so she wouldn’t feel completely left out.
    “What do you do?” Mr. Lane asked me.
    I had a cover story, thanks to the help of a friend in a high place. “I own a company that supplies parts exclusively to GMC motors.”
    His eyes were wide. “They make a killing.”
    “They do, sir. It’s a great team to be a part of.” I figured if he knew I worked in business, he would like me, and perhaps that would help in Aspen’s favor. But it was ridiculous she had to have a boyfriend at all when it was clear she could take care of herself.
    He took another drink of his scotch. “What are your other interests?”
    “I’m an entrepreneur. I’m always trying to find new ways to make money.” That wasn’t true at all. I made a killing working as an escort but the money wasn’t important to me. I just said what he wanted to hear.
    He chuckled then clanked his glass against mine. “You got a good head on those shoulders.”
    “Thank you, sir.”
    “Come with me.” He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me away from Aspen. I felt bad Aspen was being forgotten like dust on the top of the refrigerator but I was doing what she paid me to do. Her father seemed to like me and that’s all that mattered.
    He and I sat at the bar and talked about golf. We discussed difficult tactics, different clubs, and even what brand of balls we used. I’d been golfing for a long time, so it worked out in my favor when Aspen said her father loved to play. And I did drive a Jaguar and a motorcycle. Perhaps he and I were more alike than I cared to admit.
    He introduced me to his colleagues and I made small talk with them. They were just as stiff as Mr. Lane and all reeked of scotch.
    “I need to go bid on the silent auction,” he said. “I hope you’ll be making your way over there sometime this evening.”
    “I will. That vacation to Hawaii sounds tempting.”
    He laughed and patted my shoulder before he walked away.
    I breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone. How did Aspen put up with that shallow and selfish man on a daily basis? She deserved a medal from the President of the United States.
    She appeared out of thin air. “How’d it go?”
    I relaxed when I recognized her. “He likes me. Mission accomplished.”
    “You know, my father likes anyone with money. He’ll know you’re lying about GMC.”
    “No, he won’t,” I said. “I know the CEO. He’ll cover for me.”
    “He will?” she asked in surprise.
    “When you’re in this business, you meet all kinds of people.” I shrugged then finished my scotch.
    “You undercharge, you know that?”
    I chuckled. “After doing this for so long, it becomes second nature.”
    “Hopefully, my dad comes around and decides to give me the

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