A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in the Information Age

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Book: A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in the Information Age by Daniel J. Levitin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel J. Levitin
explanation, cited in many scholarly and popular publications, is that in 1936, this skewed heavily toward the wealthy, who were more likely to vote Republican. In fact, according to a poll conducted by George Gallup in 1937,this conventional explanation is wrong—car and telephone owners were more likely to back Roosevelt. The bias occurred in that Roosevelt backers were far less likely to participate in the poll. This sampling bias was recognized by Gallup, who conducted his own poll using a random sample, and correctly predicted the outcome. The Gallup poll was born. And it became the gold standard for political polling until it misidentified the winner in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.An investigation uncovered serious flaws in their sampling procedures, ironically involving telephone owners.
    Just as polls based on telephone directories skewed toward the wealthy in the 1930s and 1940s, now landline sampling skewstoward older people. All phone sampling assumes that people who own phones are representative of the population at large; they may or may not be. Many Silicon Valley workers use Internet applications for their conversations, and so phone sampling may underrepresent high-tech individuals.
    If you want to lie with statistics and cover your tracks, take the average height of people near the basketball court; ask about income by sampling near the unemployment office; estimate statewide incidence of lung cancer by sampling only near a smelting plant. If you don’t disclose how you selected your sample, no one will know.
    Participation Bias
    Those who are willing to participate in a study and those who are not may differ along important dimensions such as political views, personalities, and incomes. Similarly, those who answer a recruitment notice—those who volunteer to be in your study—may show a bias toward or against the thing you’re interested in. If you’re trying to recruit the “average” person in your study, you may bias participation merely by telling them ahead of time what the study is about. A study about sexual attitudes will skew toward those more willing to disclose those attitudes and against the shy and prudish. A study about political attitudes will skew toward those who are willing to discuss them. For this reason, many questionnaires, surveys, and psychological studies don’t indicate ahead of time what the research question is, or they disguise the true purpose of the study with a set of irrelevant questions that the researcher isn’t interested in.
    The people who complete a study may well be different fromthose who stop before it’s over. Some of the people you contact simply won’t respond. This can create a bias when the types of people who respond to your survey are different from the ones who don’t, forming a special kind of sampling bias called non-response error.
    Let’s say you work for Harvard University and you want to show that your graduates tend to earn large salaries just two years after graduation. You send out a questionnaire to everyone in the graduating class. Already you’re in trouble: People who have moved without telling Harvard where they went, who are in prison, or who are homeless won’t receive your survey. Then, among the ones who respond, those who have high incomes and good feelings about what Harvard did for them might be more likely to fill out the survey than those who are jobless and resentful. The people you don’t hear from contribute to non-response error, sometimes in systematic ways that distort the data.
    If your goal in conducting the Harvard income-after-two-years survey is to show that a Harvard education yields a high salary, this survey may help you show that to most people. But the critical thinker will realize that the kinds of people who attend Harvard are not the same as the average person. They tend to come from higher-income families, and this is correlated with a student’s future earnings. Harvard students tend to be

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