Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love)

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Book: Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love) by N.M. Silber Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.M. Silber
space, and bringing someone here is an act of intimacy. Do you feel like you need to puke? If so, I need you to step away from the suede couch.”
    “Well, that started out really nicely,” I said, rolling my eyes. “No, I’m not going to puke.” I sat down on the suede couch and he came in to where I was sitting and handed me a glass of iced water.
    “I’m going to go find you something to change into just in case,” he said, walking off somewhere. He was back a couple of minutes later holding a T-shirt with a picture of McGruff the Crime Dog on it. He was kidding, right?
    “I’ll bet you get lots of tail with that one,” I said, and promptly broke into a snorting giggle fit. I really did crack myself up.
    “I got it at a law enforcement training thing,” he said defensively. “It’s pretty long. It should cover everything you need to cover.”
    “You don’t want to see my lady bits?” I teased.
    “Not on a night when I can’t get better acquainted with them,” he answered, looking pained. “Just for the record, while I may wind up touching myself, I have no intention of touching you while you’re in this condition.”
    “Just as well. I would prefer to be fully aware of what you were touching. Where should I change?” I asked, managing to remain standing. That was progress.
    “The bedroom’s through there.” He pointed to a door at the end of a short hallway.
    “Okay, so if you need me I’ll be naked in your bedroom,” I teased in a flirty voice.
    “Maybe I should come along to watch so I can catch you if you fall down on the bed.”
    He won that round. I backed down and went off to change. The lights were on already, and I saw that, like the rest of the apartment, Adam’s bedroom had a modern, masculine feel and was stylishly done in black and gray. I looked around curiously. There really wasn’t all that much personal about it, though. It was a guy’s bedroom. Hmm. I would be the first woman to sleep in his bed. I liked that. It looked comfy and soft, and the pillows probably smelled like him too. Oh, man, stop it, Lil. You don’t know how to think about baseball!
    I tore my eyes away from the bed and glanced around the room one more time. He seemed pretty neat. No underwear on the floor. I wondered for a second what kind he wore. I had a feeling he was a boxer briefs guy. I was almost tempted to peek, but I decided it would be more fun to find out by unwrapping his package, than digging through his dresser.
    I quickly slipped out of my dress, bra and stockings and folded everything neatly onto a chair, my first hint that I was starting to sober up a little. Adam’s T-shirt smelled a little like him, and I inhaled shamelessly as I slid it over my head. It did, in fact, cover my lady bits, ending at mid-thigh. His comment about torturing him floated back to me as I looked at myself in a mirror guiltily. I was pretty scantily clad, but I figured, what the hell, he had seen me in a bikini; how stimulating could a McGruff the Crime Dog T-shirt be?
    From the look on Adam’s face when he turned around and saw me, it would seem that McGruff could be more stimulating than one would think. He made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a groan as his eyes dropped to my body.
    “Would you mind getting my iPad out of the bedroom?” he asked thickly.
    “Why didn’t you ask me that when I went in there?” I turned and walked back down the hall. Then it dawned on me. “You only asked so you could stare at my ass, didn’t you?” I called over my shoulder.
    “And it’s a lovely ass, I assure you,” he called back. When I came back in with his tablet he appeared highly distracted.
    “Are you okay?” I asked uncertainly, handing it to him. His eyes looked kind of glassy.
    “I have to take a shower,” he muttered, putting the tablet down on an end table. “There’s food if you want to eat something or I can make you something when I’m done if you want.”
    “You cook?”
    “Yeah, I

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