Justice For Abby

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Book: Justice For Abby by Cate Beauman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Beauman
pictures and had shaken hands on her trips to New York City, Paris, and Milan during her college days, but it had never been like this. She’d been too busy surviving in the stash house, then hiding in her condo to enjoy the fruits of Lily’s thirty years in the industry.
    Jerrod chuckled, and she looked to her left, smiling, relieved that he was having a good time while he finished his thick cut of prime rib and spoke with Lina Brovera, Spain’s fashion darling. He was gorgeous in his tux, his tough build accentuated by the tailored fit of his jacket. And he meshed well with Lily’s A-list guests. The evening couldn’t be any more perfect.
    “Are you finished, madam?” the waiter asked as he stopped at her side.
    “Yes, thank you.”
    He reached down and took her plate of barely touched salmon.
    “Thank you,” she said again as he moved to take Jerrod’s dish and walked away.
    Jerrod leaned in close, his arm brushing hers. “You hardly ate anything.”
    The heat of his breath feathered her ear, sending a rush of goose bumps along her skin. She turned her head in defense, her face mere inches from his as they held each other’s gaze. “I know.” She bit her lip and smiled. “I’m too excited. I’ve actually been talking to Tyler Maxfield. I used to imitate his designs, now I’m having in-depth conversations as if we’re on the same playing field.”
    “Aren’t you?”
    She chuckled at the idea. “I wish.”
    “Don’t sell yourself short. You definitely held your own.”
    “Aw, thanks, big guy.” She smoothed his lapel, relieved that they seemed to be okay after yesterday’s disagreement, even though she had yet to apologize. She’d tried more than once, but he’d been on the phone late into last night and all day today, setting up the details for their evening in San Francisco.
    “Excuse me, sir, madam. Your desserts—a chocolate tower with vanilla buttercream drizzle.” The waiter set two tall slices of cake in front of them.
    “Holy cow, this looks amazing .” Abby eyed the mousse-like frosting stacked between four layers of dark chocolate. “Excuse me, is that ganache?”
    “Yes, a truffle ganache, madam.” He stepped away to present two more desserts.
    “Is this heaven?”
    Jerrod grinned. “We should probably dig in.” He picked up his fork and took a bite. “Wow,” he said with his mouth full.
    “That good?”
    “Is it so delicious you’re glad we came even though getting here was kind of a pain?”
    He flashed her another smile. “Pretty close.” He cut another bite, surprising her when he held the fork to her lips. “Try it.”
    She sampled his offering, closing her eyes as creamy chocolate melted on her tongue. “Oh my god. This has to be illegal.”
    “It’s a possibility.”
    She laughed as she picked up her own silverware and enjoyed another taste of pure heaven.
    “Excuse me.” Lily stood at the head of the table, pretty in her fitted off-the-shoulder black dress, tapping her knife against her glass. “May I have everyone’s attention please?”
    The crowd of thirty quieted.
    “Thank you.” She picked up her wine glass and sipped. “I thought I should take a moment to thank you all for coming. It’s rare that so many of us are in the same place at the same time, so I love that we’ve had this chance to get together and catch up.”
    Everyone clapped.
    Lily smiled, giving a small nod, commanding the room to settle again. “At times like this, having close friends at my side is a comfort. As you know, Lily Brand has faced a couple of rough days in the media.”
    Troubled murmurs carried through the dining room as Abby glanced around, struggling not to squirm with the rush of guilt swamping her.
    “ The Times and Toni Torrell have quite brazenly spewed very serious accusations at the expense of three talented models.”
    Abby picked up her water, swallowing a long, cool sip, certain everyone somehow knew that she was at the root of

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