Who's the Boss Now (Managing the Bosses Series, #3)
and shoving food in her mouth. It was time to get back to the pattern she had when she started her job here.
    She worked through a few new projects she had on her desk for the rest of the morning. It was almost unnerving to realize how much easier it was to work without Paul there. It wasn't because he was chatty, but something about having another person in the room just let her inefficient.
    "Speaking of." Jamie got up and walked out into the hall as her stomach growled. She needed to talk with Gina about getting her officemate his own office, and then lunch could be up next on the agenda.
    "Hey." Gina glanced up.
    "Hey. I just wanted to check in on Paul's office. I know we still have a few weeks, but I wanted to see if the contractors had a date in mind for getting him out of my office. I mean, finishing the rebuilding." She brushed her fingers by her chin and glanced over to see Alex walk into his office, head down.
    "It should be two weeks from today. Why?” Gina leaned forward. “Is he being a pain? I can replant him now with another analyst if I need to. You know I don't mind doing it for you, girl." She stood up and stretch.
    "No. Two weeks is good." Jamie turned back to the other woman. "Can you do me a favor and check if Alex has anything on his calendar? I thought it was clear but now I’m wondering if I mixed it up."
    Gina moved the mouse for her computer and clicked it a few times. "Not for the next hour. Have at him. Let's grab some lunch when you get done."
    "Sounds like a plan." She turned and walked into Alex’s main office door that was open, knocking softly on the door frame. "Do you have a minute?"
    He glanced up and gave her a curt nod. "Yeah. Shut the door and come on in."
    Something told her that having the door closed wasn't going to be as fun as it was a few days back. Her stomach growled again and she rubbed her tummy absently.
    Alex sat down in his chair and leaned back. "You still pissed at me?"
    "I'm getting over it." She shrugged. "I need to run a few things by you."
    "Go for it." Dark circles sat under his beautiful blue eyes, much like his brother Mark seemed to be sporting every time they saw him.
    "Mark called and will be coming up on Saturday with all of the paperwork from the estate sale."
    "He wants to know if he can stay at your place. He's having a few financial difficulties."
    "No." Alex kept his steely gaze on her.
    "Alright. He can stay with me." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Next topic is your notes for the meeting on Tuesday."
    "Wait. What the fuck? My brother’s not staying with you. That's not happening." He sat up in his chair and leaned toward her. The aggressive look on his face would have been sexy if he didn't mean it in a negative manner.
    "Then he's staying with you. There’s plenty of room in your house. You're being an ass about this." She moved to the edge of her chair, ready to challenge him. Their 'moving to the next level' would definitely include her holding her own in a fight with him.
    "Fine. I don't give a shit. Whatever." He stood and threw his hands in the air, which was too dramatic for even him.
    "Alex? What the hell’s going on? Is this,” she said and gestured back and forth between the two of them, “too much? What’s the problem? Because it feels like one moment you can’t keep your hands off me, and then next my touch burns you. If we have to work together and live almost on top of each other... I just don’t get it.” She stood up and walked toward him. He was passionate, but overly emotional? No, that was not his style.
    "Fuck." He turned to face her, the color having drained from his face.
    Her heart almost stopped in her chest from the look on his face. Something was wrong. Extremely wrong.
    "What’s going on?" She reached out for him, but he pulled back.
    "I just met with Annette." He ran his fingers through his hair.
    "Oh..." Sickness rolled through her. Were they getting back together? Had he slept with her?
    A knock

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