of their stupid war. Especially since it seemed like Healers might as well be walking around with a big target on their chest. “And what about math and science? What about training and self-defense? Why won’t I be learning those? Do you have any idea how important those subjects are?”
    He looked down his long nose at me. “You will learn all that you, as a Healer, are required to learn.”
    “Well, it’s a damn good thing I didn’t grow up around you people. It’d be a wonder that I could even read and write.” My hands were shaking. Trayton shot me a concerned glance, but didn’t speak. I was betting he was an absolute rule follower.
    The headmaster sighed, annoyed with my interruption. “I grow very tired of your impertinence, young lady. I realize that you are not thrilled about being here. I assure you that if your participation in this war were not extremely necessary, we would have left you to lead your life among the Unskilled. We here at Shadow Academy do not make it a habit of bringing people in against their will. It tends to not go as smoothly as we would like, as I’m sure you’re aware. However, while you are here, you will follow our rules and you will do as you’re told. If you choose to make this a difficult experience, I can assure you that it is not only you and I who will experience these difficulties.”
    The threat was veiled enough that I wasn’t sure if Trayton picked up on it, but I knew exactly what he meant. Get in line or my parents would be the ones to suffer.
    When he spoke again, it was to Trayton and Trayton alone. After all, I was just a Healer. I had no business interjecting my opinion in a Barron-to-Barron conversation. The arrogance amazed me. My parents were both Barrons, but neither had ever treated me the way I was being treated now. Maybe it wasn’t a Barron thing after all. Maybe it was an arrogant dek thing. “Now back to business. Kaya must never be allowed to wander the grounds alone. I don’t have to tell you why. Please make certain this isn’t a problem—we can’t risk the loss of another Healer. Also, as you well know, Trayton, curfew is nine o’clock in the evening. Now…I believe you’re both due for your next course. Should you require anything at all, please don’t hesitate to stop by my office. If you’ll excuse me…”
    Trayton held open the door and I exited with him close behind. When the door closed after us, we were surrounded by a hush. For a long time, Trayton and I simply exchanged uncomfortable smiles. He turned his head briefly to look over at Maddox, to make certain we hadn’t been left entirely alone, and I spied the edge of the marking on the right side of his neck. Clearing my throat, and trying like hell to let go of all of the anger Iwas feeling for Headmaster Quill, I said, “Your Trace…can I see it?”
    “Of course.” He drew back his hair and I took a closer look. A small black crescent, lovely against his pale skin.
    I reached out to touch it, then caught myself and pulled my hand back. My cheeks felt warm again, but this time, it was a pleasant warmth. Trayton smiled, flicking his eyes in the direction of Maddox. I guessed he was suggesting that touching his Trace before we were Bound was a no-no and nodded. “I’m supposed to be in some stupid Healer class in about twenty minutes.”
    He sighed, but averted his eyes, as if he wasn’t sure what he should say to me. “I’m supposed to be training as of ten minutes ago.”
    I caught his gaze and smiled. “Well, aren’t we a pair?”
    The corners of his mouth lifted and I swear, I almost melted into a puddle of goo right there. He turned to walk away, but paused midstep, as if wrestling with something in his mind. Then he turned back to me. “Do you like books?”
    My mind drifted back to my bedroom in the cabin. Stacks and stacks of well-worn, well-read, well-loved books lined my walls. The memory brought a smile to my face. “Love them. Well, good ones.

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