Call of Kythshire (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 1)

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Book: Call of Kythshire (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 1) by Missy Sheldrake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Sheldrake
that a simple task?” Rian shakes his head.
    “I don’t know. My mother seemed to feel the same way, though she’d never say it.” He reaches up and rubs his eyes. He looks exhausted. “It seems to me she agreed with everything the prince said just to get through the meeting quickly. Her greatest concern is to find your mother. She wants to ride at dawn, as soon as she’s able to talk to us and make arrangements.” I’m comforted by Mya’s urgency to start the search. It means she believes there’s hope my mother is still alive. Not for the first time tonight, the thought of being orphaned at sixteen pushes into the edge of my mind. I shove it away.
    “Do you think we’ll be able to go this time?” I ask. I would hate to leave my father behind, but I can’t imagine the agony of sitting here in an empty guild hall while everyone else goes off to search.
    “That’s what they were discussing when I was sent out to get you.” he says shaking his head. “It’s hard to say which way the conversation was tipping. Mum, Bryse, and Cort were for it. Gaethon and Donal seemed to be against.”
    “And your father?” I ask. If Elliot was for it too, that would help.
    “Sleeping,” he says with a bemused shake of his head.
    “Always sleeping,” I sigh.  “Well, we shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
    There is no fanfare or royal proclamation, no crowd at the door of this guild meeting. When we arrive at the hall, everyone is slouched in armchairs around the great hearth. The air is thick with a sense of tedium and fatigue. Mya looks especially exhausted but determined. There’s a fire in her eyes that matches the bright red shock of her spiked hair. Beside her, Elliot is curled up in his own chair, his eyes closed, sound asleep just as Rian had said. Across from him, Bryse, Cort, and Brother Donal are bent together in quiet conversation. Master Gaethon sits rail-straight on the edge of his cushion. When Rian and I enter the room, he eyes us thoughtfully and gestures to two chairs between himself and Mya. They exchange looks and Mya nods to him. She closes her eyes as he addresses us.
    “It has been decided that the two of you are to remain here,” he raises his voice as Rian and I start to protest, and holds his hand up impatiently to silence us. I bite my tongue hard and slump back into the chair, crossing my arms. Being left off of the quest list was bad enough, but being made to stay home through this is unthinkable.
    “Azaeli, you are to care for your father.” Uncle says. “When he is well enough to ride, you may accompany him to meet us.” He presses his fingertips together and turns to Rian, “Rian, I will take a temporary leave of my position at the Academy and join in the search. Mistress Viala,” he pauses and meets Rian’s eye meaningfully, “will oversee your studies while I am away. You will show her the same respect you show me. Understood?” His eyes burn into Rian’s and I find myself looking away uncomfortably.
    “Yes, Sir,” Rian says, his tone careful and disciplined. I can’t help but be impressed by his restraint. Viala is Rian’s rival, his own version of Dacva. Though she’s only a couple of years older than him, she’s has far surpassed him in her studies during her short time at the Academy. I know for a fact he both admires and resents her for it.
    “I have begun research on the source of Azaeli’s affliction.” He hands Rian a thick roll of notes. “The sword itself showed no sign of magical tampering. I have suggested other causes in my notes, and it is important you explore them together. You will write a report of your findings and send it on to me. You are to share this information with no one else. If you complete this task by the time Sir Benen is able to ride, then you may join him and Azaeli to meet us.”
    “Yes, sir,” Rian says again as he unrolls the scroll and looks it over with interest. I crane my neck and he leans closer so we can read it

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