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Book: Caught by Harlan Coben Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harlan Coben
example: Would Grayson believe her? She had turned him away just hours ago, had in fact lied to him, and here she was, secretly meeting with Dan Mercer, a man she'd just seen shot down in cold blood. . . .
    Option one wasn't sounding so good, which left . . .
    She scrambled for the open door.
    Keeping herself low, she stumbled more than ran out the door.
    Not a chance, she thought. She rolled into the sunlight. Keep moving, she thought. Don't slow down.
    "Help!" she screamed.
    No response. The park was still abandoned.
    Ed Grayson came bounding out the door behind her. The gun was in his hand. Wendy kept running. The other trailers were too far in the distance.
    The only place to duck and hide was behind her car. Wendy ran for it. Another burst of gunfire. She dived behind the car, using it as a shield. She had left the door unlocked.
    Risk it?
    What choice did she have? Stay here and let him walk around and shoot her?
    She fished into her pocket and got her car remote. She unlocked the door. Even better, when Charlie had gotten his driver's permit, her son had insisted that they get one of the start remotes because on those winter mornings they could let the car warm up from the kitchen. She had bemoaned this indulgence, of course, her pampered son too soft to stand the cold for a few minutes. Now she wanted to kiss him for it.
    The car turned on.
    Wendy opened the driver's-side door and, head down, got inside. She glanced out the window. The gun was aimed right at the car. She ducked down.
    More gunshots.
    She waited for the sound of shattering glass. Nothing. No time to worry about that now. Lying on her side, she shifted into drive. The car began to move. Using her left hand, she pressed on the gas pedal and drove blindly. She hoped like hell that she wouldn't hit anything.
    Ten seconds passed. How far had she driven?
    Enough, she figured.
    Wendy sat up and slid into the seat. The masked Grayson was in her rearview mirror, running toward her, gun raised.
    She slammed on the gas pedal, her head snapping back, and drove until there was no one in the rearview mirror. She grabbed her cell phone. Still no bars. She dialed 9-1-1, hit send anyway, and got the CALL FAILED beep for her trouble. She drove a full mile away. Still no bars. She headed back toward Route 206 and tried again. Nothing.
    Three miles later, the call went through.
    "What's the nature of your emergency?" a voice said.
    "I need to report a shooting."


    BY THE TIME WENDY TURNED THE CAR around and drove back to the trailer, three Sussex County squad cars were on the scene. There was an officer covering the perimeter.
    "Are you the lady who called this in?" the officer asked.
    "Are you okay, ma'am?"
    "I'm fine."
    "Do you require any medical assistance?"
    "No, I'm fine."
    "You said on the phone that the perpetrator was armed?"
    "And that he was alone?"
    "Please come with me."
    He led her to a squad car and opened the back door. She hesitated.
    "For your safety, ma'am. You're not under arrest or anything."
    She slid into the back. The officer closed the door and took the driver's seat. He kept the engine turned off and continued peppering her with questions. Every once in a while he would hold up his hand to stop her and radio some of what she'd said to, Wendy assumed, another officer. She told him everything she knew, including her suspicion that the perpetrator was Ed Grayson.
    More than half an hour passed when another officer, this one huge, three-hundred-plus pounds, and African American, approached the vehicle. He wore an untucked Hawaiian shirt that on a normal-size person could double as a muumuu. He opened the back door.
    "Ms. Tynes, I'm Sheriff Mickey Walker of the Sussex County Police Department. Would you mind stepping out of the vehicle?"
    "Did you catch him?"
    Walker did not reply. He waddled toward the entrance to the trailer park. Wendy hurried behind him. She saw another

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