Politics of Blood (Gray Spear Society Book 8)

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Book: Politics of Blood (Gray Spear Society Book 8) by Alex Siegel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Siegel
that brown building is where I disarmed a bomb with just a nail file, clippers, and a ballpoint pen. See that very tall, blue building with the glass sides?"
    He was certain she was just making up stories, but he was willing to be entertained. "Yes."
    "I climbed the exterior one night from the ground to the roof. It was exhausting."
    "There were people on top who needed my attention. Bad people." She didn't sound like she was making a joke.
    "You arrested them?" he said.
    "No, of course not."
    The cool air suddenly seemed cold.
    He noticed sunlight fell on her skin oddly, and it wasn't just the dark color. Light seemed to bend around her as if it had no business touching her.
    Seferis joined the little group, scowling fiercely. "You two seem to be getting along well. I'm extremely uncomfortable with this situation, sir."
    "Mr. Seferis," Ethel said, "there is no reason for us to fight. We can be great assets to each other. Is there anything you want? I'll be happy to do a favor for you to demonstrate my sincerity."
    Haley decided to stay out of this squabble. The two adults could work out their differences on their own.
    "You're trying to buy me off like the others," Seferis said. "You're an influence peddler."
    She shook her head. "I have many responsibilities, just like you. Often, having friends in high places is very useful. I don't do favors for my personal benefit. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass sometimes, but it's part of the job. What do you want? I'm giving you a free wish."
    Haley was desperately trying to figure her out. Clearly, she was part of a larger organization with extraordinary capabilities, but the purpose of that organization was completely unclear. He didn't even know why she was protecting him.
    "I don't want anything from you," Seferis said. "Besides, you can't fix the important stuff."
    "Like what?" Ethel said.
    He hesitated. He had something to say but was unwilling to do so.
    She took out her bulky, gray phone and made a call. "Hello," she said. "It's me. I need information about the Director of the Secret Service, George Seferis. He has a personal problem he is unwilling to discuss."
    Haley heard tinny voices on the phone.
    "Who are you calling?" he whispered.
    She covered the phone with her hand. "My people in Washington."
    He raised his eyebrows. How many people does she have?
    She nodded. "Thank you. That's just what I need." She hung up and faced Seferis. "Your sister has AIDS. She's dying."
    He stared at her with wide eyes. Haley was also astonished. Seferis had never mentioned anything about a sick sister to him.
    "Tell her to fly to Los Angeles immediately," Ethel said. "I know a woman who can help."
    Seferis shook his head. "AIDS is incurable."
    "It's going to take a miracle to save your sister. You're fortunate you came to me with this problem."
    "I'm not telling my sister to fly across the country to meet some kind of witch doctor!"
    "Then you'll lose her," she said. "I can fix the important stuff. Now, leave us alone."
    Muttering under his breath, Seferis walked off.
    "I'm not buying it," Haley said. "You don't know anybody who can cure AIDS."
    "You're sure about that?" Ethel said.
    In fact, he wasn't sure about anything. She seemed to exist in a different reality than he was used to.
    "By the way," she added, "I have a miracle in mind for you, too."
    "What do you mean?"
    She smiled. "I don't want to spoil the surprise. Let's just say you're about to have a change of heart." She patted him on the chest.
    * * *
    Kamal was standing on the roof of the Rosemont Tower Hotel. He was watching Bethany and Leanna fuss over a device the size of a toaster. The girls were making tiny final adjustments before turning it on.
    He had spent the morning constructing the device with them. It was built from exotic materials, electronics, magnets, and lasers. He had no idea what it would do. The twins had simply provided the plans with no further explanation.
    Working so closely with them was

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