Skye's Trail

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Book: Skye's Trail by Jory Strong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jory Strong
easy polished charm of a politician. And underneath the expensive cologne, he smelled of cocaine and paid-for sex.
    The second man was the senator’s aide, Martin. He was shorter than his boss, whipcord-thin with wire-rimmed glasses. But like Senator Weldon, the odor of cocaine permeated Martin’s skin.
    “Thank you for meeting me on such short notice,” Senator Weldon said as the three of them sat down.
    Skye offered a charming smile of her own. “I’ve got to thank you, Senator. I’m just getting started on a case and you’re my best hope for a lead.”
    “Please, call me Skip.” The senator gave her an assessing look, as though he was wondering whether or not he could mix business with pleasure. Skye decided to turn down the charm.
    “Why don’t you start first, Skip, and tell me about your sister, Amy.”
    The waitress returned to take their orders. The men knew what they wanted. Without looking at a menu, Skye ordered a hamburger and French fries with a side order of salad.
    When the waitress left, Martin spoke, “I’ve been in touch with the local police department. You have quite a reputation.”
    She didn’t respond to the comment, choosing instead to let silence settle around the table. Skip and his aide exchanged glances, the senator asked, “Do you follow politics?”
    “No. It’s never been an interest of mine.”
    “Then you’re probably not aware that the other Senator Weldon is my father. I contacted him after I got your message. He told me that you’d also tried to reach him.”
    “Yes. I did. Which Senator are you? Florida or New York?”
    “Florida.” The arrogance of power rang through the single word.
    Skye nodded, encouraging him to go on.
    “My father has been approached by a large number of influential party members. They’re convinced that he’d have a good shot at the presidency should he run. Of course, it’s too early now for serious public discussion, but I believe he could take the party’s nomination and win in a national election.”
    “He’s what the country needs,” Martin interjected. “Exactly what the country needs.”
    Skye could sense where this was heading. She supplied the, “But…”
    Skip offered the charming smile again, pausing long enough for the waitress to set their food on the table and leave. “But if my sister is alive then we need to find her and get her into rehab before some liberal newspaper latches onto her and totally destroys my father’s hope for a nomination.”
    “It’s absolutely essential.” Martin’s eyes burned with the conviction of a zealot.
    “What kind of rehab does Amy need?” Skye asked.
    “Rehab probably isn’t the correct word for it.” Skip exchanged another glance with his aide and nodded.
    Martin opened the folder sitting on the table next to him and handed Skye an envelope. “There’s two thousand dollars in the envelope. The information Senator Weldon is about to disclose is extremely sensitive. By accepting the money, you would be expected to keep this information confidential. Initially the Senator wants a low-profile search done in order to determine if there is any reason to believe that Amy is alive. We’ll negotiate additional fees if your preliminary search suggests she’s not dead.”
    Skye studied the senator and his aide, but even as she did so, she knew she’d agree. The search for Amy was the search for Jen. And there was little doubt in her mind after seeing Haley and Kyle together last night that the next time she saw Haley, Jen’s sister would have changed her mind about asking Skye to help.
    “Do you have a photo of Amy?” Skye asked as she folded the envelope and slipped it into her pocket.
    Skip smiled. Confident, almost pompous. “Welcome to the team.”
    Martin pulled a picture out of his folder and handed it to Skye. The photograph was professionally done. The girl in it was

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