It's In His Kiss

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Book: It's In His Kiss by Mallory Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Kane
    Then he pushed his hands into his back pockets. "Okay, then it's settled. I'd better get going. It's late, and I've still got briefs to review."
    "Thanks, Michael." Cat put her arm around his neck and kissed his jaw. His evening stubble scratched her cheek and his unique scent tickled her nose. He'd never gone in for after shave or cologne. He smelled clean, like Ivory soap, and something that was just him. She'd know him if she was blind and deaf, and in a roomful of people, just from his scent.
    He looked down at her with a strange expression in his eyes, as if he were trying to read her mind. Then he dug his keys out of his pocket and jangled them. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He headed for the door, then turned. "Can you be ready by noon? I've got a buddy who has access to a truck. If he's not out of town, we can borrow it."
    "Sure," she said, crossing her arms. "Michael? I didn't ask you how much your rent is. I mean," she laughed shortly, "can I afford half your rent?"
    He turned with his hand on the front door knob. "You can definitely afford it. You won't be paying rent."
    She raised her brows. "Ooh, I'm to be a kept woman?"
    He grinned. "I've got plans for you."
    "Really?" She propped her fists on her hips. "What kind of plans?"
    He waggled his eyebrows, which started her laughing. "You'll see, my pet."
    "You remind me of Groucho Marx, except prettier. I'll cook. How's that?"
    Michael stepped out of the door and leaned back in, leering. "I was counting on it, among other things."
    "Oh, go away. It's true. Men do think of only one thing."
    "Every fifteen seconds."
    "Get out of here," she laughed, bumping the door shut with her hip. Still laughing, she went into the kitchen and poured herself some juice. This was going to be interesting. Michael had been conspicuously absent from her life for quite some time. She flopped down on the couch. She'd missed him. He was very dependable, very consistent. He'd always managed to make her feel better. It was going to be nice to have him around. A smile tickled her lips as she turned up the glass to drain it. Dependable. Consistent. Somehow, although the words still fit him he was different now. He seemed bigger, bolder, more confident. And way hotter than she remembered.
    * * *
    On Monday morning, Cat slapped at the alarm and groaned. How did morning get here so early every day? It was downright aggravating. She dragged herself out of bed and walked straight into the closet. 
    "Damn," she muttered, fighting off a barrage of kamikaze clothes hangers. She squinted around. Oh yeah. She was in Michael's second bedroom. The door to the hall and the bathroom was thataway. 
    She pushed open the bathroom door and ran into Michael. "Ack!"
    He had shaving cream all over his face and was leaning over the sink looking in the mirror. Cat scrunched up her eyes in the bright bathroom light. "What're you doing in here?"
    "Shaving." His sleepy gaze in the mirror roamed over her clothes, which consisted of panties and a cotton camisole with little blue flowers embroidered on the bodice. 
    Suddenly Cat felt unclothed. It was strange, feeling modest in front of Michael. They used to have sleepovers--well, when they were six "I, uh, sort of assumed--."
    He raised his eyebrows for a moment, then lowered them as the light bulb went on in his head. "Oh! Right. I've just always used this bathroom."
    Cat yawned. "Instead of the one that's about four steps away from your bed and attached to your bedroom?"
    He shrugged. "Yeah. The shower in here is better."
    "Well, should I use yours?"
    "No!" he snapped, as he rinsed the razor. "I mean, I'm nearly done now. I'll use my bathroom in the future."
    Cat waited at the door as he loaded up toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss into his shaving kit. She couldn't avoid looking at him. He was right there in front of her, shirtless, with blue boxers on and nothing else, well except for the coating of shaving cream on his face.

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