Johnnie Blue

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Book: Johnnie Blue by Denyse Cohen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denyse Cohen
muster the strength to send him away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the stall reserved for the handicapped on the far corner of the bathroom.
    “Are you fucking kidding me?” I said as he pulled me inside the-so-spacious-you-can-have-a-threesome-in-here stall and locked the door.
    He turned and wrapped his mouth around mine, saying “shhh” in between kisses.
    “I’m married,” I whispered with my eyes closed while he nibbled on my neck.
    “You’re sexy as hell.” He nudged me backward until my butt hit the small sink in the corner of the stall.
    Much taller than me, he bent his knees and cupped my ass pulling me hard against his erection and rocking against me in languid strokes that felt so deliriously good that the anticipation of what was to come was almost painful to bear. My entire body ached to have him inside me, fucking me hard.
    He lifted me up so I was sitting on the edge of the sink, tugging my dress up while I adjusted myself over the sleek ceramic basin. I started to open his belt, but he moved my hands away. “I’ve told you I want to eat you up.”
    My hands inched up his muscular chest and wrapped around his neck. “If you insist.”
    Pulling my panties to the side, he looked down while I stared at his face. The damn Brazilians were worth every penny, I thought. His expression was of raw carnality. My pink, bare pussy must had looked like a juicy steak because I really believed he would eat me whole if he could.
    “So wet.” He slid a finger inside me. “I want to fuck you until you melt.” His voice was but a husky whisper.
    I dug my fingers into his hair and pulled him toward me, kissing him hard. “Now. Do it now.”
    His lips twisted slightly upwards and he knelt on the floor, I knew this man was going to make me beg for it all the while driving me to insanity. He took my panties off, opened my plump folds with his fingers and plunged his tongue inside me with an almost primal urgency. He sucked and licked and flickered and toyed with me until desire was a scorching fire in my groin.
    “I want you. Now,” I said as he pulled his mouth away and slid two fingers inside me slowly and a with a measured intensity that made me quiver with pleasure.
    Standing up while maddeningly opening and closing his fingers inside me, he said, “you taste so sweet.” I reached for his head and crushed his mouth with a savage kiss.
    “Take this off,” He grabbed the hem of my dress and helped me pull it over my head. With one hand, he laid the dress over the toilet tank and brought both hands to feel the weight of my breasts.
    “This too,” he said reaching behind my back unfastening my bra. Then, he lowered his head to suck my tender nipples. He feasted on the rounded flesh as if it was strawberry mousse, licking and sucking with gusto.
    Even as I arched my back to grant him better access, I felt vulnerable. Completely naked but for my high heels and awkwardly sprawled over the sink with this man over me like an electric blanket.
    “Enough.” I pushed him away and he stepped back with a startled look. I eased myself off the sink as graciously as possible, intensely aware of his gaze on my body.
    My feet had barely touched the floor, when he pressed against me again and said, “I’m not done with you yet.” He murmured inside my ear, with a wrong arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand sliding between my legs pressing down on my clitoris with his fingers.
    “Take off your clothes,” I murmured weakly, grasping on his shoulders afraid to ooze out of his arms.
    “Not yet.”
    “Bullshit. I want to see you.” I tried to push him off but his arm was like an iron bar around me. Instead, he squeezed me even harder and pushed his fingers inside me with blunt deliberation.
    “Oh,” I cried out—despite myself. He took my mouth with his again and I wasn’t sure where his ended and mine started. This kiss alone could had driven me over the edge, add his fingers deeply embedded

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