An Act of Love

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Book: An Act of Love by Brooke Hastings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Hastings
could count.
    But as pleasant as it was to put Luke in his place for
once, it hadn't solved anything. She was still in Maine with a man who
thought she was her sister. She only prayed that her father never got
wind of Luke's mistake, because despite her previous threat, that was
actually the last thing she wanted. Knowing William Dunne, he would
either fire Luke Griffin, in which case C & D would lose a
highly talented executive, or else he'd get out his figurative shotgun,
which would be highly embarrassing for everyone concerned.
    At least, Randy thought with a yawn, Luke wasn't the
ambitious fortune hunter she'd taken him for. She wasn't flattered by
his inaccurate view of her, or by the realization that he'd only been
teasing her on the phone, but it was nice to know that the man had some
    She stretched and yawned again, suddenly terrifically
sleepy. It was so peaceful and lovely here—wherever in Maine
"here" was. As isolated and restful as New Hampshire would have been, but with some very lovely
modern conveniences.
    The wind had come up a bit and was rustling gently through
the trees. Randy thought she heard the sound of running water, and the
soft tones of an owl hooting filled the night. She pulled up the quilt
a little higher and closed her eyes.

Chapter Four

    "Linda!" Randy jerked awake at the sound of her sister's
name. For a moment, disoriented, she couldn't remember where she was.
Then she noticed Luke Griffin and the events of the day before came
flooding back.
    He was standing in the doorway wearing a knee-length
terrycloth robe, looking anything but cheerful. It was so cozy in bed
that Randy said beseechingly, "Luke, it's so cold. Why on earth do I
have to get up?"
    "Because I'm hungry and I want some breakfast, and because
you're going to make it for me." He paused. "Unless you want me to join
you in bed, that is," he added.
    Yesterday when he'd made those kind of comments he'd kept
a smile on his face and a teasing note in his voice. This morning,
however, he was as irritable as a child who'd lost his favorite toy.
Randy figured that he was either one of those people who are cranky
until they've had their second cup of coffee in the morning, or else he
was still annoyed about spending the night alone.
    She reluctantly pulled herself up. With her tousled hair
and flannel nightgown she looked like the child Luke had labeled her
the night before. They stared at each other for several long seconds
before he turned on his heel and strode out of the room. Randy soon
heard him poking viciously at the fire, then throwing on a couple of
extra logs.
    Amused by his sour mood, she put on Linda's bathrobe and
slippers and trotted into the living room. Given the fact that Luke
refused to believe her explanations, it seemed logical to attempt to
change his mind with her behavior. He considered Linda spoiled and
selfish, so she'd confront him with someone who was solicitous and
accommodating. Given her basic nature, it wouldn't be too difficult.
    "What do you feel like eating?" she asked him.
    He gave the fire a final poke and turned around. "Bacon
and eggs. Two, over easy. Coffee and toast. And step on it, Linda. I'm
starving," he said grumpily.
    Heat from the fire and the smell of frying bacon soon
filled the cabin. As soon as the coffee was brewed Randy filled a mug
and brought it over to Luke, who was now sitting at the table. He
didn't bother to thank her when she set it down in front of him.
    There was at least one positive note to this whole insane
experience, Randy decided—her appetite was again as healthy
as it had been six months ago. She made herself a breakfast almost as
large as Luke's and ate it just as quickly as he did.
    "I can't figure out where you put it," he muttered.
    Randy suspected that she'd only be wasting her time to
tell him, but answered with a smile, "Sure you can. You've seen the
diaper commercial, although it
make me look
heavier than I really was at the time." She paid no

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