Stars of Blood and Glory
entering the
rift and pushing straight through.”
    “ And if we are defeated, Your
Highness, there will be even less to hold them back.” Though
Colonel Webb spoke with a soft, flattering voice, it was clear he
didn’t think that an attack was a good idea.
    “ With all due respect, Colonel,
we can’t retreat forever. My men have come here to fight, not stand
idly by as we lose more territory to the invaders.”
    The colonel shrugged. “None of us intends to
lose this war,” he said. “With a strong leader, perhaps we could
even pull off a victory at Eyn-Gatta.”
    He’s trying to manipulate
me, Katsuichi
realized. He
doesn’t think we’ll succeed, so he wants to flatter me into taking
responsibility so that he won’t be blamed if we lose.
    But that also meant he couldn’t share in the
glory if they won.
    “ We owe the Federation a great
debt of honor for defending us from invasion these many years,”
Katsuichi said. “The least we could do to repay that debt is to
crush the Hameji forces massing at Eyn-Gatta. If the other fleet
commanders will follow me, I will lead them.”
    “ You do realize that in the last
twenty or so years of this war, the Hameji have yet to suffer a
strategic defeat?”
    Katsuichi grinned. “Neither have we, Colonel
Webb. Will you join your forces with mine?”
    The two junior officers looked to the colonel
uncertainly. He returned Katsuichi’s gaze without flinching and
    “ Aye, we’ll join you. Though I’d
prefer to leave the balance of my fleet in the rear, to facilitate
a quick retreat should it become necessary.”
    “ Understandable,” said Katsuichi,
nodding. All
the more glory for the rest of us.
    Colonel Webb rose to his feet, followed by
his officers. “In that case, Your Highness, I’ll return to my
flagship to begin our preparations. My men will send you the latest
intelligence to help you plan the operation.”
    “ Excellent. I look forward to
working with you, Colonel.”
    “ Likewise, Your
    They saluted, and the colonel left. As the
door hissed shut, Kenta let out a long breath.
    “ Are you sure this is a good
idea, young master?”
    “ My father always said it is best
to keep your enemies close,” Katsuichi answered. “Besides, this is
the perfect chance to repay our debt and free ourselves from the
burden of honor we owe the Federation.”
    “ Very well, Your
    A chime announced an incoming call. Katsuichi
frowned and checked the display in front of his seat; it was from
the bridge. He activated the channel.
    “ Your Highness, we have received
an urgent message for you on a courier ship from home that arrived
only minutes ago.”
    “ Very well. What is the
    “ Your sister, Princess Hikaru,
has gone missing. The palace staff has no idea where she may be or
what has happened to her. They have locked down Fukai-Nami but
suspect she may have left the planet.”
    Katsuichi’s eyes widened, and his stomach
dropped out from under him. “Hika? She’s been kidnapped?”
    “ Her servants claim that she ran
away, but we don’t know where. Our forces have been put on alert,
but no official statement has yet been made.”
    But why? Why would she run away? How can this
be happening?
    “ If our enemies get word of
this,” Kenta whispered, “they could use this to their advantage. I
propose we send a small, private force to discreetly handle this
problem and proceed as if nothing has happened.”
    Katsuichi swallowed and nodded. He felt as if
the room was collapsing in on him, but he forced himself to put on
a strong face. No doubt he would need it often in the days to
    “ Very well, then. Give the
Imperial Guard full discretion, with orders to handle it quietly.
And inform me as soon as anything changes.”
    “ Sir.”
    As the connection switched off, Katsuichi
sighed and collapsed back into his seat with his head in his hands.
Kenta put a hand on his shoulder.
    “ Don’t worry, Your Highness.

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