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Book: Demonica by Preston Norton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Preston Norton
What’s that shit all about? I nearly tripped in the process, but my shock was so overwhelming that it was impossible to feel embarrassed. Instead, I turned around and met Dante with my best if-this-is-a-joke-I-will-kill-you look.
    Now I’m no expert in interpreting microexpression, but from what I could tell, Dante’s eyes were glazed in truth.
    I wanted to say something sarcastic or cynical to this because it was obviously the joke of the century. All that came out was: “Huh?”
    And then it made sense. I heard him wrong. I had to have. Me? A Demon Slayer? Ha! What a laugh! Good one, Dante. Screw you, but good one. You really had me going there. That was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever…
    Even as I thought this, I realized that nothing was really ridiculous in comparison to everything that happened last night. Mysteriously-appearing castles, werewolves, Demons…
    Monica, you have the power to summon a special dagger.
    You’re the one.
    Sweet, merciful mother of fuck.
    Dante’s words crashed down on me like one of those falling pianos in cartoons. I could barely comprehend what was happening, let alone speak. Dante took the liberty to break the silence.
    “The dagger you summoned last night is called a Demon Dagger,” he said. “You’re a chosen vessel with the divine ability to destroy Demons. I knew what you were the moment you saw me through that restaurant window. Only a true Demon Slayer has the eyes to see a Demonic spirit without making a Deal.”
    I blinked, hoping that this delusional explanation would suddenly make sense. Like. It would just turn into a conversation about the weather or something. It didn’t. So I responded the only way I knew how.
    “You’re shitting me.”
    “You’re not shitting me.”
    “What am I supposed to say to something like that?”
    “Um. Say you’ll do it? That’s what I’m leaning towards.”
    “I don’t even know how to kill a spider! And you expect me to slay Demons?”
    “I’m not asking you to hunt Demons today. I’m asking you to create a list of suspects. Any students or teachers who seem slightly suspicious. Believe me. Amon aside, Demons are very reserved and strategic thinkers. It’s always a game of chess for us. We’ve got to move our pawns before the game really starts. We always size up our opponents before we attack.”
    “Lovely. So I’m your pawn, huh?”
    “No.” Dante’s face was dead serious. “I’m moving the queen early.”
    Fuck chess.
    “Great,” I said. “Anything else you want me to do?”
    “Well, since you asked, it’d be nice if you got us invited to a party this weekend.”
    “Listen, smartass, if you’re not going to be serious—”
    “Miss! Sassy! Pants!” Dante exclaimed. “Chill the hell out, okay? I am totally serious about this party thing. Parties bring teenagers. Teenagers bring Demonic spirits. I know. I am one. What can I say? Partying is contagious.”
    “You’re a Demon,” I said rather stupidly. When Dante cocked his head with a mixture of confusion and amusement, I quickly added, “I mean…why are you helping me? A Demon? Helping…a Demon Slayer? It doesn’t make sense.”
    Dante sauntered down the entryway steps. “Let’s just say that not all Demons are buddy-buddy. Amon and the other Demons here…I used to be close to them. Then they left me for dead.”
    I definitely wasn’t expecting that. For the first time, something crossed Dante’s face. Pain? Fear? Anger? I didn’t know what it was, but it was something big and apparently buried deep. He quickly blinked it away, refixing his gaze on me. Emotionless. Humorless.
    “I’m different now,” said Dante. “I’m not like them anymore. And I will do anything it takes to destroy them.”
    This kept getting weirder and weirder. Revenge? This whole thing about revenge?
    “Anything,” said Dante. “Just as I’m sure you’ll do whatever it takes to protect your brother.”
    Dammit. He just had to

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