Games Lovers Play

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Book: Games Lovers Play by June Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: June Tate
besides, he didn’t want his little girl to have to do without. He had taken Kay flowers on one occasion, but she’d refused them.
    â€˜That isn’t necessary,’ she’d said. ‘The only thing I want from you is to meet my financial needs – nothing more.’
    The weekend of the race, Kay was taking Susan away so he thought he’d go to Silverstone and watch, see what made this young chap so interesting. After all, he’d nothing else to do and these days his free time hung heavily, especially the weekend when he didn’t see his daughter.
    Connie had taken a few days’ holiday time that was due to her to enable her to go with Sam to the race. Her parents were concerned about her going and staying overnight, until Sam called on them.
    â€˜Thank you so much for letting Connie come with us,’ he said. ‘She’s part of the team now, a mascot, and we couldn’t possibly go without her.’ He looked at George. ‘Don’t worry, sir; I’ll take good care of her, as will my two men. She’ll be perfectly safe with us.’
    â€˜And where will she be sleeping?’ Madge asked sharply.
    Connie was mortified, but her father stepped in.
    â€˜That’s enough from you, Mother, thank you!’ He shook Sam’s hand. ‘Good luck, young man. Take care on the track.’
    Early on the following Saturday morning, Harry and Tom piled into the truck carrying the Riley and took off, closely followed by Sam and Connie on his motorcycle. It was a warm summer day and the weather forecast was good. They had all been praying for a dry track. Sam had explained how much more difficult it was when it was raining.
    â€˜Sometimes you can’t see in front of you from the spray from the other cars, and that can be really frightening.’
    She had pushed such a thought from her mind. She was worried enough about his safety as it was.
    Although it was early when they arrived at Silverstone, it was already buzzing. Trucks of all sizes were arriving with the race vehicles. Spectators were gathering early to make sure of a good viewing position. Marshals were wandering around doing their jobs; mechanics were attending to their own particular vehicle like mother hens around a favourite child. Officials were inspecting each car, making sure it adhered to the conditions of the entry.
    Sam happened to glance up as Jake and his men drove in. Sam told his mechanics, and they watched as the Jaguar was unloaded.
    Jake saw them watching and grinned to himself. Well, here it is, Knight, he thought. This is my revenge for all the other races where you beat me. Today is mine!
    Connie was on edge. This race was different, she could tell. There was a charged atmosphere all around her. It was one long race. Twenty laps of the course, and there were more cars entered this time. She could feel her heart thumping as the day wore on and the time for the start drew neared. Sam and his mates were no longer jovial, they were there to win, and that was paramount in their minds. This was not the time for frivolity.
    As the start grew nigh, Sam gathered Connie into his arms. ‘Give me a hug,’ he said. ‘Now, I don’t want you to worry, I’ll be fine. We’ll celebrate together tonight.’ He kissed her hard and long.
    Eventually, the cars were to be driven on the track. Each taking their place on the grid, according to their place on the race winner’s table. Connie saw Jake was much further back than Sam, who was four cars from the front. She tucked her arm through Tom’s for comfort.
    He glanced down at her and saw the concern on her face. ‘You have got to learn to relax, Connie, or you’ll be a basket case by the end!’
    â€˜Don’t tell me
feel relaxed,’ she retorted, ‘I can feel the tension in you just holding your arm!’ They both laughed, which helped to relieve their feelings a little.
    The drivers began

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