Lingering Touch: The Summer Park Psychics, Book 3
    “It’s good to see you.” She forced out the words.
    Finn put his hand on her shoulder. Clenching her eyes shut, she fought the tears away. They didn’t need to see how much she…needed them.
    Deal with it, Jazz. You made your choices. Now live with them.

Chapter Eight
    “We need to talk,” Finn said.
    He might have underestimated how much Jazz cared about his dad. She was clinging to him like her life depended on it. Finn shoved down the jealousy that was trying to rise up in him for the millionth time.
    “In a minute, son. I’m not quite ready to let go.”
    Neither was Jazz, from the look of it.
    Finn used to try to comfort himself by thinking that Jazz wasn’t affectionate with anyone in public. He wanted to believe that was why she only ever scowled at him when other people were in the room. He had seen her give Elsa and Garrett quick hugs, though. And she was never shy about hugging his dad in front of people.
    When it was just the three of them in the bar, she seemed to smile all the time. She’d pat their shoulders and give them hugs. Hell, she would even sit in Finn’s lap with a beer when they were having their late-night discussions. She’d acted like they were a family.
    And when it was just the two of them…they’d been so much more. He could never read her, and yet always felt more connected to her than anyone he had ever known. He didn’t think he’d ever understand how she could seem so open one moment, then build a wall of ice the next.
    He’d ask to take her out on the town, and she’d respond with stony silence. He would yet again beg her to tell Garrett or anyone that they were dating, and she’d shake her head and tell him no. Any time he tried to talk to her about it, she shut down. It drove him crazy.
    Finn had to stop thinking about the past. She needed him right now. He would be there for her. He had never seen her so shaken. He knew she loved his dad, but still…
    He kept his hand on her shoulder, hoping to lend her support and for a moment feel that connection they had all shared. Jazz finally stepped back. She actually ran a fingertip under her eye and leaned against Finn’s side.
    He wanted to wrap his arms around her and nuzzle her hair. If Daphne hadn’t been in the room, he might have, but Jazz had conditioned him too well. No affection in front of anyone but Tommy.
    Anyway, it only took her a second to realize what she was doing. She stiffened and moved away.
    “It’s damned good to see you, Jazz.” Dad cast a glance at Finn that was all too clear. “Don’t screw this up again.”
    “I can finish in the kitchen,” Daphne said. “Why don’t you three go upstairs?”
    Dad shook his head. “No. We’re all family here. Come on and pull up a chair.”
    “It needs to be upstairs, Dad.” Finn started for the front door, but Jazz ducked in front of him.
    “I’ll do it.” She locked the door, keeping Finn from having to touch it again.
    Dad was staring. Better to get this over with and keep him from building false hopes.
    “Is that my hat?”
    “Yeah.” Finn took it off and handed it over.
    Dad ran his fingertips over the brim. He was reading it, trying to figure out what was going on.
    Finn sighed. “Can we go upstairs? There’s way too much…ambient energy down here.”
    “All right.”
    Dad looked worried. The last thing he needed was more stress. Finn followed the group up the stairs, letting Jazz and the others go first. Once they reached the kitchen, Daphne took up her favorite spot leaning against the counter in front of the sink. Dad hung his hat on its hook on the wall, then sat at the table with Finn. Jazz sort of hovered nearby.
    How to begin? Finn rubbed the bridge of his nose briefly, feeling a headache starting to build. He needed to just come out with it.
    “You guys know something’s wrong. I didn’t want to worry you, but I haven’t been able to fix things myself.”
    Tommy nodded. “What’s going on?”

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