The Potluck Club

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Book: The Potluck Club by Linda Evans Shepherd and Eva Marie Everson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Evans Shepherd and Eva Marie Everson
Tags: Ebook, book
    I took a deep breath and thanked God for this beauty before I turned to the first chapter of James. Verses 2 through 4 jumped out to me, just as if God meant the words to go right to my heart: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
    Wasn’t that precious of God to comfort me when I’m going through this difficult move? It’s true, when I read my Bible, God speaks to me. It was too bad that I never had much time for Bible reading in Texas.
    I went back into the house and poured myself another cup of coffee and turned on Fox and Friends as I readied my presentation of brisket surprise. First, I pulled out the brisket, added the barbeque sauce and onion salt, lowered the heat, and slid it back in. Secondly, I covered a large shallow box lid with foil that would serve as my tray. Next, I papered the bottom of the tray with baby blue contact paper complete with pink and gray roses. Lovely. I opened my cupboard to peruse my disposable aluminum foil serving dishes. I selected two. A small one for Henry, in case he got tired of eating fish, and a large one for Evangeline and her company. Then, I cut the fresh apple cinnamon bread into thick slices with my electric knife and rolled the slices into a tube of foil. Finally, I added a small, unopened jar of apple butter.
    I opened the oven door and pulled out the brisket. It looked perfect. I slid the hot pan out of the oven and put it on my cooling rack. Soon I filled both of my disposable pans to the brim with hot brisket, then covered the tops with foil.
    I stepped back to admire my handiwork. Of course, I hadn’t planned any side dishes, but with luck, Evangeline had already made that little potato thing of hers. Besides, the aroma was magnificent! This was a meal that would open any door. Who would be able to resist?
    After clearing the kitchen of dirty pots and pans, I slipped into my black leather coat and headed for the Lincoln. I glanced at my watch: perfect timing. I should arrive at about 11:30 at Evangeline’s front door, where I would present her with lunch and win a chance to solve the mystery of her secret visitor.
    And it was a mystery. I just knew Evangeline wouldn’t postpone her club for just anyone. If she were entertaining friends or family, she would probably just invite her guests to join our luncheon, unless there was a compelling reason for secrecy.
    I couldn’t help it. I absolutely shivered with excitement. This was my most intriguing Summit View adventure yet! I couldn’t wait till I called my mama to tell her about it. She and Daddy still lived in Denton, Texas, even though it had been six years since Dad retired from teaching history at North Texas State University.
    It was pathetic, really; my mom and I had always been close, though I hadn’t always invested the time to call her on a regular basis. But since I’d moved to Colorado, I practically lived for our daily phone visits. And to speak frankly, Mom’s had been the only friendly voice I’d heard since I moved to Summit View. Too bad that voice originated from a cozy Texas kitchen almost two thousand miles away.
    A few moments later, I pulled up in front of Evangeline’s hundred-year-old clapboard Victorian house. It was complete with a steep roof of red shingles with lacy white woodwork beneath the peaks. I loved the wraparound covered porch with its ornate white columns.
    Simply adorable. The whole house was framed by yellow-leafed aspens that had spilled a blanket of liquid gold all the way to the front door. Surely, this was all a sign from God that I was walking in his will. He had even rolled out the carpet for me.
    Carefully, I pulled my tray of brisket and bread out of the trunk and walked down the golden path. I climbed the steps and managed to use the brass

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