Lady Emily's Exotic Journey

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Book: Lady Emily's Exotic Journey by Lillian Marek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lillian Marek
asked. “You are not hurt?” He wanted to check, to make sure she was not injured, but he hesitated to touch her. An hour ago, he would not have hesitated, but things were different now. Everything was different. He stood there, looking at her uncertainly.
    â€œI am fine. I must thank you for protecting me.” She was ignoring the shouting to the side of them and looking at him still with that dazed surprise.
    A remarkably unruffled Lord Penworth came up to calm the shouting. “Mr. Oliphant, would you be so good as to tell me what is going on? Are we to expect more attacks of that sort?”
    No, Lucien saw, his lordship was not unruffled. He was seething with cold fury.
    Oliphant looked thoroughly ruffled and glared at the captain. “This buffoon says that was not a serious attack and we have no need to worry.”
    The captain was grinning and looked decidedly unworried. Lucien wanted to hit him.
    Lord Penworth took a deep breath as if to control himself. “Not serious? You will forgive me if I find bullets flying inches from my family to be a matter of considerable seriousness.” It was a sentiment with which Lucien heartily agreed.
    There was another exchange in the Kurdish language between Oliphant and the captain. The captain’s remarks were punctuated by roars of laughter which seemed to provoke Oliphant to bursts of fury. When Oliphant seemed on the verge of throttling the captain, the Kurd softened his laughter and made placating gestures.
    Oliphant turned to Lord Penworth. “He claims that it was not a serious attack because no one was injured. They fired on us only as a sort of warning because the Turkish troopers are with us.”
    That was the first time Lucien had ever seen Lord Penworth lose control. The marquess turned a look of fury on the captain and appeared ready to strike the man. “You were aware that the troopers were part of our party but never mentioned that they might be a source of danger. You assured us that with you and your men conducting us, we would be safe.”
    There was another exchange of translations, and Oliphant, tight-lipped with fury, bit out the reply. “He says that if he had not been here, if they had not seen that you were protected by Kurds, they would not have missed.”
    Lord Penworth spun about and stood motionless, his hands clenched, before stalking into the tent to join his wife. Lucien realized that he himself was trembling, whether with anger or relief he was not certain. It took a moment before he brought himself under control enough to lead Emily in her father’s wake. He held out his arm, and she laid her hand on it, very lightly, very formally. They did not speak.
    Within the tent, Lady Penworth was sitting composedly and greeted them with a brilliant smile. “Mr. Oliphant,” she said, “I believe I owe you an apology.”
    â€œAn apology? Whatever for?”
    â€œWhen you said this trip would be difficult, I thought you were one of those tiresome gentlemen who think a woman exhausts herself on a stroll in the park. I had no idea it would be so exciting.”
    He flushed. “It is I who should apologize. I should have made clear to Lord Penworth how difficult it would be. And how dangerous.”
    â€œI am to blame,” said Penworth, taking his wife’s hand. “I dismissed the warnings, relying on the assurances of the vizier, who said the mere presence of the troopers would ensure our safety. Had I listened to Mr. Oliphant, I would have made arrangements for you to return to England or at least remain safely in Constantinople.”
    â€œNonsense, my dear,” said Lady Penworth, patting her husband’s hand. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world!”
    â€œNo more would I,” said Emily, leaving Lucien’s side to join her mother.
    Lady Julia, whose cheeks were flushed becomingly, said, “Indeed, it is the most exciting thing I have ever

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