The Apollo Academy

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Book: The Apollo Academy by Kimberly P. Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly P. Chase
Tags: new adult, Sci Fi & Fantasy
    “It’s time to get up.”
    “How are you already ready?” Kaylana growled.
    “The early bird gets the worm.”
    “What are you, ninety? And why are you so perky?”
    “We have swim training. I bet you have an appointment with Ms. Lovell sometime after that too. Let’s go get breakfast.”
    Kaylana sat up at the mention of food.
    “Did you say swim training?’
    “Yeah.” Aurora sat down to braid her hair. If she didn’t manage her hair somehow, she wouldn’t be able to function in the pool. Her hair was so long that, if left free, she could see it wrapping around her like colorful seaweed, happily suffocating her.
    Kaylana leaned back on her pillow. “Ewww, why are my pillows all wet?”
    With a laugh Aurora said, “Because apparently you drool in your sleep.”
    Kaylana’s eyes went wide in disbelief. “I do not!”
    Aurora couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face. She quickly tied off her braid and didn’t say anything as she pulled up the picture she had taken just a few minutes before. She turned her techiwatch screen where Kaylana could see it. “Really? Then who is the blonde drooling in this picture?”
    Kaylana screamed. “Oh, you did not! Delete that picture right now. You post that on the Grid and you’re toast, Aurora Titon!” Kaylana lunged at Aurora who quickly sidestepped her attempt.
    “We better get going or we won’t get breakfast,” Aurora teased, knowing full well that would get Kaylana moving.
    Once Kaylana was dressed in the same swimsuit, shorts, and shirt, they made their way down to the main floor. There were plenty of people in the cafeteria, but no one Aurora recognized from her class. They ordered their food from the tablet screen up front and made their way to an empty table. Older students, graduated astronauts, and other Apollo Academy employees looked at them as they passed by. Keeping her promise to herself, Aurora kept her head held high and smiled at those who seemed to stare at her.
    But her vanilla yogurt and granola went sour when she saw Hailen and her group of friends stroll into the cafeteria like they already owned the place. She forcefully swallowed her yogurt and watched as they sat down at their table. Kaylana just raised her eyebrows and kept shoveling her imitation eggs and bacon into her mouth, but Aurora had lost her appetite. She was sure the reason for their presence was so Hailen could insult her again.
    Acting as though the confrontation the night before had not occurred, Hailen plastered a big smile on her face and tried to make conversation. “Morning, ladies. Hope you don’t mind if we join you.” It was said as a statement, not a polite question. And for some bizarre reason Brianna and Kylie began to giggle. What were they, five?
    Hailen waved toward the cafeteria doors. “Look who’s headed our way.” She twitched her eyebrows suggestively.
    “What about Rowan?” Brianna whispered loud enough that Aurora heard the question anyway.
    Hailen gave her a look that clearly told her to shut up. “We’re not exclusive.” Hailen posed herself seductively on the table and watched as a group of guys made their way toward them.
    Aurora only vaguely heard the rest of the girls’ conversation because when she looked over her shoulder, she made eye contact with Zane’s gray eyes. She watched him walk around the table and sit in the seat directly across from her, the seat next to Hailen.
    He looked much better this morning. His hair was still wet from his shower and was swept back like black ink. He was no longer smeared with dirt as he had been yesterday, though the oil stains remained under his fingernails. Aurora thought he must work with tech or something.
    His chiseled features were set in stone as he looked around the cafeteria. Free to continue her perusal, she noticed he’d changed from yesterday’s dark attire to the white Apollo Academy training clothes. Damn, he even managed to make the uniform look good.

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